Online Dating Scams: 5 Savvy Tips to Protect Yourself!

If you’re considering using a Ukrainian dating agency, beware of the risks! Mr. X has been an unfortunate victim to multiple scams and unethical practices carried out by these agencies – making him a pro when it comes to spotting red flags. Don’t let yourself become their next target. Read on to discover more about: 

With love in the air, online dating has become a go-to for singles looking to meet their match. But as romance blossoms on screen, so do online dating scams and frauds! In an unregulated industry, some Ukrainian agencies have been caught profiting off innocent people – from creating fake profiles to paying women to go on dates with Western men. The worst part of these scams arise from the use of sub agencies. Mr. X was one such victim who’s now coming forward with his story of unethical practices within this thriving industry—highlighting its sinister side for all those hoping for happily ever after…

Be Aware of These Problems with Matchmaking Agencies

Unregulated by the government

Mr. X revealed startling discoveries about dating agencies – they’re not regulated by the Ukrainian government! [1] Without proper oversight, unethical practices can go unchecked leaving customers vulnerable to being scammed or taken advantage of by people looking for a quick pay-out. So, with this in mind, you really need to be on your guard.

Untrained and inexperienced staff

Many matchmaking agencies are run by untrained and inexperienced staff. This means they operate with substandard methods with potentially fraudulent behavior at their core. Matchmaking [2] takes more skills than many people realize. If they are not trained or experienced, anything can happen. Customers can wind up being mismatched or misled resulting in an unhappy experience, all while paying high prices for services they don’t receive! Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here to find out.

Unreasonable fees and fake profiles

It’s all to do with the unscrupulous tactics employed by some agencies in their attempt to exploit unsuspecting victims. Mr. X revealed a shocking scheme wherein vulnerable people are promised unrealistic results and charged unreasonable fees, only for services that will never be delivered! To make matters worse, he even uncovered how these shady operators sometimes use fake profiles as bait – leaving unwitting individuals at risk of falling into this dangerous trap.

The Ukrainian girls who only sign up for financial gain

Unfortunately, there are sometimes problems with the girls who sign up to these agencies. Without proper checks in place, it’s easy for some Ukrainian women to join marriage agencies for what they can get out of them. These women are not interested in meeting their soulmate or having a family. The only reason they join is to receive gifts from the men or some other financial reward. These rewards could result from PPL scams or being paid to go on dates with foreign men.

Mr. X also discovered that a dishonest agency owner would suggest communicating or dating a particular woman who is actually one of her “paid” females. She gets paid to communicate with a man or go on a date with him. Worst of all, she may even be married. Unsuspecting guys have no idea that she has no real interest in him and is just doing it for the money. 

The PPL (Pay Per Letter) scam

After eagerly signing up for a dating agency that promised to help Mr. X find his soulmate, he quickly became disillusioned when all he received were emails from women who had no intention of meeting in person. This is most definitely a scam! It is also common on these scamming sites for the “woman” to actually be a man pretending to be the woman. Distraught and deflated, it soon dawned on him that the agency was nothing more than a scammer’s paradise – seeking only to take his money. PPL is probably the most advanced scam [3] for online dating sites.

Motherships and Their Sub Agencies

Let’s face it, dating isn’t always sunshine and roses. So, when looking for our perfect someone online, how do we know that not all is as it seems? Ukrainian dating agencies can be a great way to meet your match…but they could also be the cause of some heartache too! Young hotties declaring their love for you should be viewed with caution. Would you like to know what a realistic age gap is for you? Click here to find out. Mr. X has uncovered an alarming truth – many so-called Ukrainian agencies actually operate under one bigger company with little or no coverage from regulators; meaning overcharging and dodgy information are commonplace risks you should watch out for!

Sub agencies

Marriage agencies rarely have enough women on their databases to offer sufficient choices for the men who sign up to the agencies. This will push marriage agencies to expand the number of Ukrainian women that they offer by using sub agencies. And here lies the problem. Even for legitimate agencies, it is difficult to manage the girls they already have. By introducing sub agencies and more females, this task becomes even more difficult.

However, for the scamming agencies, this is their opportunity to make some cash. In fact, small agencies can’t survive without the larger mothership brand. These huge PPL sites gain from the extra women on their databases and therefore extra chances of making some money. The sub agencies also gain by getting a cut of the money made from these PPL scams.

Ukrainian marriage agencies with no ladies 

More and more agencies are setting up in this colossal industry. However, the latest business model is to set up a site with no ladies of their own. Instead, they use girls from sub agencies. This is a serious red flag! Even though the agencies assure their clients that they have vetted the women thoroughly, this is probably not the case. The advice that Mr. X gives, is to steer clear of these kinds of agencies. The risks are just too great.

Tips How to Vet a Ukrainian Marriage Agency

Mr. X shared how hard it is to recognize a scam site. [4] He says he was too trusting with the many small boutique agencies. He felt like he was getting a very personal service and never imagined that he was being scammed. However tricky it can be, there are still a number of steps you can take to avoid being scammed. Foreign men are advised to educate themselves and get savvy in this industry. Any Ukrainian marriage agency that is being considered should be vetted using the following methods.

Do your research

Sadly, Mr. X’s experience is indicative of what can happen when dealing with certain Ukrainian dating agencies. They often employ shady tactics to try and trick unsuspecting victims into their schemes. It pays to be diligent about doing your research before signing up for any agency. However, not all Ukrainian services are out there to rip you off – some do operate legitimately! Still, it’s always wise to be careful and understand exactly what you’re getting yourself into beforehand. If you are curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be, click here and find out in minutes.

Ask the right questions

Mr. X provided some sound advice for anyone looking to avoid being scammed by a Ukrainian dating agency – do your research! Ask the right questions and make sure you read all contracts carefully before signing anything, so that you know exactly what is expected of both parties involved. Be especially wary of any sub agencies asking for upfront payments as these types of scams are unfortunately quite common in Ukraine. You need to stay safe when finding love online.

The quality of the ladies on a site is more important than the quantity. You need to ask the agency:

  1. How do you find your ladies?
  2. In what way did you build your database?
  3. How long did it take you?
  4. What is your vetting process?
  5. Do you advertise to find your ladies? (If they do, know that this is the “kiss of death.”)
  6. Do you work with sub agencies?
  7. Can I see photos of your happily married clients? (This is the most telling question.)
  8. Can I see some videos of your clients together with the ladies?
  9. Can you give me a client referral? (Someone you can talk to who is an experienced client to see what they have to say about the agency.)

What if the agency is upfront about not having ladies of their own?

Some agencies may be honest to admit that they don’t have any ladies of their own. They may try to reassure you that all necessary vetting has been done, and you have nothing to worry about. They may also say their Ukrainian women are from a high socioeconomic class and value their privacy. This may sound plausible, but the best agencies do not do this! They are well aware of men’s needs to see the girl as men are very visual. Anyhow, why are photos of the same ladies posted on the sub agency sites? How does that make sense?

Look for the positive reviews

Part of your research is to go online and look for positive reviews. Protect yourself by only choosing services with plenty of positive reviews and an established track record. Trusting strangers online or in person always carries risks- don’t let that put you off finding love. You just need to approach it with the right amount of caution for peace of mind.

Verification and background checks

There was no way of knowing if customers were getting what they paid for without proper quality control measures in place like verifying user profiles and conducting background checks. As a result, scammers have free rein to target people who are searching for love but unknowingly put themselves at risk due to lack of transparency from the agency regarding potential dangers associated with online dating. To make matters worse, shady tactics such as false advertising promises that weren’t backed up meant unsuspecting singles could easily be duped into wasting their money on services which ultimately failed them miserably.

Final Thoughts

While many Ukrainian dating agencies are involved in some kind of scam, this is not true of them all. That’s why it’s so important to do your research and ask the right questions. In this way, you will be able to separate the good from the bad. Mr. X shared a wealth of knowledge to help us avoid being scammed when considering signing up for Ukrainian dating agencies.

You need to look out for those who try to persuade you into paying for expensive packages that don’t deliver on their promises. Also be wary of online dating sites which lack verification systems, and always do your research before committing to anything! By taking his advice to heart we can protect ourselves from becoming the victims of deceitful business practices.


[1] Ukrainian dating sites are legit or scam? – Quora

[2] 11 Secrets of Matchmakers | Mental Floss

[3] ▷ Pay per letter: Modern Russian & Ukrainian Online Dating Scam (

[4] Uncovering the Secrets to Successful Dating of Ukrainian Women. Memoirs of “The Brotherhood of Men” [PART 3] –

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