Discover The Top 5 Keys to Date Ukraine Women for Marriage

Dating Ukraine women can be a minefield. Do you need help to avoid the pitfalls of scammers? Do you need pointers for good communication and to decide whether she is the one? Just how should you handle your first meeting? Read to find:

  1. Cardinal Rule of Dating Ukrainian Women?
  2. Best Practices for Communicating With Your Ukrainian Women.
  3. The Meet up With Your Ideal Ukrainian Bride.

Cardinal Rule of Dating Ukrainian Women?

Never send money to someone you have never met! Never – never – never ever!!!

Experience and common sense have to rule the day here when avoiding the many scams [1] that can be found on Ukrainian dating websites. These two aspects were also the basis for our Scammer Scorecard, compiled by “the brotherhood of men.”  It’s a tool that poses 29 questions about a Ukrainian girlfriend’s behavior and calculates the rough probability of her being a scammer. Rather than for its resulting numerical score, we suggest you use it for its questions and hints. These will alert you to what you might not have noticed/thought of, and possibly raise some red flags about your single Ukrainian ladies’ candidates, i.e., circumstances which deserve further investigation/clarification.

A useful technique for checking whether a pretty Ukrainian lady has already been reported as a scammer consists in using a search engine like Google [2], and feeding it some distinctive information about your Ukrainian woman, like:

Do your research

  • Her FULL name
  • Her e-mail address
  • Significant bits from her emails

Your search may turn up a number of links to anti-scam websites where she is listed along with her photos and letters. However, you may need to use this information with a grain of salt, since there are cases of Western men falsely accusing some beautiful Ukrainian women, who have rejected them, of being a scammer.

Take heed to the photos on these online dating sites. They may not even be the woman whose profile it purports to be. It could be some professional model – attractive bait for the unwary. At this point it is useful to mention that very large age gaps can be a signal that she is taking you for a ride. Would you like to know what a realistic age gap is for you? Click here to find out. Furthermore, the person who is behind those pretty Ukrainian women’s photos and loving letters may not even be real Ukrainian women, but someone we ‘affectionately’ call “Fat Yuri,” i.e., a con man who, after pocketing your money, will also have a great laugh at the gullibility of some foreign men.

A scam artist called “Fat Yuri”

Over the years, we have made a note of his many inventive business practices.

DEFINITION: dubious owner/administrator of a dubious International Marriage Broker site/agency, whose objective is to make a lot of money from his unsuspecting Western men customers. His activities include any of the following and others:

Fat Yuri’s activities

  • Hiring help to write fake local ladies’ letters.
  • Writing fake Ukrainian Women’s letters himself, when no other help is available (his personnel-management policies encourage high staff turnover – eagerly accepted due to his starvation salaries).
  • Stealing women’s profiles/photos from other sites – of any type, anywhere.
  •  Arranging fake phone calls to/from Ukrainian women, which are actually done by his staff/helpers – or himself. He can mimic a very high-pitched voice if necessary.
  • Arranging encounters with gorgeous Ukrainian females who never show up, due to unforeseen/unavoidable last-minute impediments.
  • Renting apartments to foreign visitors in Chernobyl-like environments with furniture acquired there at bargain prices – affords him to save on lighting fixtures, since it glows warmly in the dark!
  • Running a translation service staffed by illiterates.
  • Offering interpreters who know only enough English to tell you that YOUR English has too strong a regional accent for their comprehension.
  • Providing a limousine rental service based on a fleet of decrepit Zhigulis and Trabants and farm tractors for 4-wheel drive, off-the-road enthusiasts!
  • Arranging social events where attending Slavic girls are either hookers or babushkas (best-case scenario) or possess both qualifications simultaneously (worst-case scenario).

 All the above for a substantial fee, of course – how else could poor Yuri keep himself Fat?

Double Dealers

A particular category of scammers, or rather identity-frauds [3], is represented by what we call double dealers. These are full-time or part-time former Soviet Union countries’ prostitutes who also keep profiles with different biographical data. One we discovered belongs to Czech porn star Jana Cova and is a favorite source of ‘borrowed’ photos for both prostitutes (using the more ‘explicit’ ones) and scammers (using the more modest but still alluring variants). Fortunately, this fraud is rather limited – we have discovered about 60 so far – nevertheless, it is another possible ‘peril’ one should be aware of.

Other types of Slavic women scammers

Just to put your mind at ease, you should know that the zoology of Ukrainian women scammers and frauds also includes some interesting subspecies:

  • Pro-daters: comparatively modest expectations – one free dinner may satisfy them, then on to the next willing single men, as in the case of agency socials.
  • Gold Diggers: women wanting to enjoy a temporarily much higher lifestyle by being entertained at expensive restaurants/night clubs/resorts/etc. – often expecting/requesting costly gifts in exchange for their not-totally enjoyable company.
  • Green-Card Girls: these are the Ukrainian brides that will marry you, wait until they are granted their permanent residency/citizenship, then divorce you and leave/live happily ever after – thanks to a substantial part of your now ex-properties and assets.

In order to prosper, these infesting sub-species need a willing host – known technically as a mule. Do not become one of these sad ‘quadrupeds’. It’s rather typical of Western men mules to whine about their sorry fate and play the innocent, trusting victim of mischievous Ukrainian women beauties. However, a minimum of early rational thought could have saved them a lot of later trouble. Are you curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Find out in minutes. Click here.

Best Practices for Communicating With Your Ukrainian Women

Communicating with your selected potential life partner

After finding a reputable dating site, you have at least one possible candidate for a future partner in sight. The time is now ripe to verify if she may share your interest in a mutual acquaintance, and maybe more. We have already stressed that good communication is essential to form an opinion on someone’s qualities, goals and personality. These, in turn, are an essential step in deciding whether a mutually satisfying relationship may follow. If you have your profile on her mail order bride services website and the latter offers ‘feelers’, use them to check if your Eastern European woman is agreeable to further communications. If she is, or if no means of ‘testing the waters’ beforehand are available, sooner or later you’ll have to write her your first letter.

General Guidelines

Our “brotherhood of men” recently developed a ‘Men’s Code of Conduct’ aimed at offering suggestions of appropriate behavior to Western men approaching and courting Ukrainian women.

Many of its guidelines are also offered in what follows.

Your First Letter

Both your and her profile should provide a decent source of inspiration for your first letter:

  • Your profile: be consistent with what you have stated there.
  • Her profile: use her statements as a guide to the points you should make and the subjects you should cover.
  • Your first letter should be brief and not too long – typically a third to a half page is enough – and state concisely:

-Why are you interested in communicating with her. Preferably without declarations of attraction/love that you may later regret, in case she should NOT turn out to be as you hoped/expected.

-What aspect(s) of her personality you find interesting.

-What aspect(s) of your personality she might find interesting. What you may have in common.

The impressions you should convey that relate to traits that most Ukrainian women appreciate

  • Decisiveness: state what you want/need – and what you don’t – in unequivocal terms.
  • Openness/honesty: add any significant information that you may not have included in your IMDB profile for whatever reason.
  • Clarity: always consider her level of fluency in the – to-her – foreign language you are using. Try to keep your sentences within her abilities of comprehension, avoiding slang terms or colloquial/idiomatic expressions she may not understand or, worse yet, misunderstand. Also remember that misspellings and faulty grammar make your message hard – or even impossible – to read by someone with limited familiarity with your language.
  • Levity: if her profile indicates a propensity for humor, a lighthearted tone and some gentle self-irony might not be amiss.

You should also take the opportunity to ask her one or two questions on any matter without sounding like a detective interviewing Ukrainian women as a crime suspect.

Her First Letter

Regardless of whether the first contact was initiated by you or her, her first letter is often the most significant piece in your mutual communications puzzle. She may:

  • Not reply: Consider if she warrants a second attempt with a better-written letter (she could have been unimpressed by your first attempt) or if her silence should be interpreted as her lack of interest.
  • Reply vaguely: Consider if she may be simply shy/reserved/cautious, or only mildly interested but wishing to keep you ‘on the back burner’ for possible use later on.
  • Reply positively and give you the ‘green light’ to proceed.

Apart from confirming her language fluency or not – if she wrote it herself – the general tone of her first letter may give you helpful insights into her major personal characteristics [4] – reserved vs. outgoing, thoughtful vs. carefree, broody vs. cheerful, etc. These, depending on your own personal preferences, may by themselves mean whether she is someone with whom you wish to consider having further correspondence and a possible future spouse. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here and find out.

Her replies, or lack of them, to your questions are also significant in more ways than one. In this connection, it is also worth noting that Ukrainian women’s first letters may be a sign of an Atomic Mail [5] mass-mailing campaign from dodgy Ukrainian dating services. This is all the worse if male users are required to pay in order to read them, as related by the experience of a “brotherhood of men” member.

Moving On to More Direct Communications

Assuming your initial exchange of letters was mutually satisfactory, and that you followed our advice about joining an International Marriage Broker where direct contact information can be obtained (although there are ways to circumvent the obstacles posed by other IMBs). It is now the time to obtain such information and move your communications to a more direct level.

Phone Calls

Besides what is explicitly said, a voice conversation carries a wealth of additional information about the personality and mood of the speaker [6]. The tone, pauses, laughs, etc. are often emotionally more revealing than actual words. It is generally agreed that Ukrainian women have a captivatingly cute accent, particularly when speaking English – due to their rolled Rs and ‘dark’ Os. Before your first call, you should ask what days and times may be convenient for your Ukrainian women. This will also provide you with clues about her daily habits, schedule, etc.

Most Ukrainian women possess a cell/mobile phone, although not all may have a home phone, depending on their residential location and local telecommunications companies. Cell phones have the additional advantage of sending/receiving SMSs for shorter, more informal messages. Try not to be too cryptic with your abbreviated words. You can easily run into miscommunications due to language differences.

Many alternatives are available for cheap phone calls to/from former Soviet Union countries. The name of an online service such as Skype comes to mind. You should check what alternatives are available at your Ukrainian woman’s location and work out the most favorable plan for her.


Chats are another alternative for maintaining contact, but require a computer or other Internet device, which could be:

  • At your Ukrainian woman’s home. Not many have this, although a PC is on most Ukrainian women’s wish list to spend extra money on.
  • At your Ukrainian woman’s workplace, availability depends on her job/boss.
  • At an Internet Café, availability and costs depend on her location.

As was the case for voice in phone calls, video chats – such as those available with MS Instant Messenger, Yahoo, ICQ, etc. – provide another valuable source of information: body language, the messages emitted subconsciously through her facial expressions, posture, movements, etc.

Traditional Mail

Hand-written letters and postcards sent by mail may seem old-fashioned nowadays in Western dating culture. Their delivery in the former Soviet Union countries takes about a couple of weeks after posting them in the West. However, if your selected Ukrainian woman has a romantic bent (and many of them have this trait), she may appreciate them as more personal than their modern variants.

Letters also allow you to include unobtrusive reminders in their envelopes. For instance, a “brotherhood of men” member used to sprinkle a few drops of his favorite after-shave inside them, which made a lasting impression on his now Ukrainian wife.

Address the letter properly

To speed up delivery, it is helpful to write her name/address on the envelope in both Latin and Cyrillic characters. The information in a more traditional version is written in an inverse sequence to ours which, if you think about it, rather makes sense. It follows the path that the letter takes on its journey – first country, then ZIP, region, city, street, block, apartment, and lastly, the intended recipient. The Western way of addressing envelopes is more modern and also usable.

Former Soviet Union addresses often include a street-block number, which appears to be an efficient system. A word of warning here, since a Lenin Street exists/existed in almost all former Soviet Union countries’ cities, it pays to remember that it is an address often favored by scammers. Again, you need to make sure you find a legitimate Ukrainian dating site.

Use this method of communication only if you can write in a legible and preferably attractive script though. This is particularly true if she listed graphology (the art of interpreting personality from handwriting) among her interests/hobbies. Otherwise, it might be a wrong move.

For How Long?

Our general consensus is that the virtual phase of communications should not last more than 2-3 months. After that period, you should already be making definite plans about meeting your Ukrainian woman in person.

Take the opportunity of this waiting period to acquire as much information as you can about the pros and cons of international dating. It is also to your advantage to learn some Ukrainian culture, as there are many cultural differences between the East and West.

Many Ukrainian singles on the international dating scene have complained about Western men being good keyboard Romeos. However, they fail to deliver i.e., to show their serious intentions for long-term relationships by finally jumping on a plane – or whatever other means of transportation is suitable – to go and meet them.

If some well-founded reason (work, family, financial commitments etc.) prevents you from doing so, share your difficulties and disappointment with her, and try to keep the flame alive by frequent direct communications.

You might also consider some thoughtful gestures like sending her/her Ukrainian family flowers/simple gifts/mementos on meaningful occasions. The giving of gifts is an important part of their dating traditions. Acquaint yourself with the former Soviet Union countries’ festivities that are not on our Western calendars.


Now the fateful, potentially life-changing moment has arrived … It’s time to meet your selected potential soul mate.

The Meet up With Your Ideal Ukrainian Bride

Going “over there” to meet your selected Ukrainian women. Still with us, after all our previous horror stories? You’re not easily discouraged then, and may therefore possess the courage, determination and resilience – or some might say blind recklessness – that are necessary for this extraordinary adventure.

After 2-3 months of continuing contact with your selected Ukrainian women, you should both by now have come to the conclusion that your so-far-virtual friendship has reasonable chances of developing into something more solid. Therefore, you have both agreed that the best move would be to meet in person and verify those opportunities personally with a face-to-face meeting.

If not, either of you should consider whether a longer period would be really worth the trouble.

You have basically 3 alternatives for your first meeting:

  • Your Ukrainian women coming to visit you in your country.
  • Meeting your Ukrainian women in a third country.
  • You visit your Ukrainian women in her country.

Let’s consider each alternative in turn.

Your Ukraine Women Visiting You in Your Country

This is the most difficult alternative of all to arrange, due to the fact that most Western countries require former Soviet Union visitors to apply for and obtain a tourist – or student – visa to admit them.

Western countries have different regulations for the acceptance of visa requests at their Consular offices abroad – basically aimed at discouraging attempts at illegal immigration – and this is not the place to go into specific details.

However, in general terms:

  • The USA is usually the most reluctant to grant visas.
    Western men who are US citizens should be aware of the existence of IMBRA (the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act approved in 2005), a US Federal Statute approved in 2005 [7] that has a number of important effects on the approval of petitions for US visas.
  • Schengen countries – which include most of the European Union countries except the UK, for instance – are more lenient in this respect. For example, a tour package bought at a former Soviet Union country’s travel agency usually satisfies their requirements (pre-paid return ticket, subsistence expenses, medical insurance, etc.), and the visa request is often handled directly by the travel agency itself.
  • Depending on your location, this may or not be a viable option. It presents the advantage of letting your selected beautiful Ukrainian woman get a foretaste of what living with you in your environment might be like. You will also get a foretaste of how well she could adapt to your life situation.

However, this experience can always be arranged at a later date if warranted, i.e., when potentially misleading initial emotions would be less likely to cloud both of your abilities to show good judgment and the actual possibility of a life together is realistically more in the cards.

Meeting Your Ukrainian Women in a Third Country

Certain countries – notably Turkey, Egypt, Thailand and some Caribbean islands, like Cuba and the Dominican Republic – either do not require a visa from visiting citizens of former Soviet Union countries or grant it upon arrival for a small fee as a mere formality.

Nowadays, many Ukraine women have developed a taste for foreign travel, particularly to warmer climates. The improved former Soviet Union countries’ economies allow a number of them to indulge in this recently discovered luxury.

Therefore, a Ukrainian woman may suggest this alternative for various reasons, such as the fact that she may:

  • Be a reserved person, and not want her social environment to know of you yet and the fact that she is meeting with a foreigner – to avoid local gossip, possible prejudice and criticism, etc.
  • Want to savor this experience without local distractions.
  • Be a gold digger, preferring not to operate in her own home environment.

You should try to understand what her real motivations are for such a preference.

You Visit Your Ukrainian Woman in Her Country

Most former Soviet Union countries – except Ukraine – also require a visa for visiting Western men. However, these are comparatively easy to obtain although times may vary. Check beforehand with their Consular authorities in your country.  

It is our consensus that this should be your preferred alternative, because:

  • You will see your Ukrainian woman in her natural environment.
  • You may meet her family, relatives and friends.
  • She may request a leave of absence from her job for just a few days – probably easier to obtain than 1 or 2 weeks.
  • You will get a taste of the culture and history of her country.

All the above will give you a better appreciation of her real nature and personality, even from simple, day-to-day situations like how she treats a waiter or a shop clerk.

Is traveling within a former Soviet Union country easy? Yes, and no. Obviously, it is going to be easier if you already have:

  • Some experience of foreign travel (the former Soviet Union countries may appear very foreign at first)
  • Some knowledge of Russian culture and language
  • You will be staying in a large metropolitan city such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg or Kiev – where life is closer to Western habits.

Remember, the former Soviet Union countries cover a huge territory and host a wide variety of nationalities, cultures and languages. Although Russian was the language officially taught in all USSR schools, it is still widely spoken and understood in all former Soviet Union countries [8].

Her Hometown or…?

Your selected Eastern European woman may request that you two not meet in her hometown but elsewhere. This could be a larger city or a local tourist resort. In a way, this is similar to suggesting a meeting in a third country as explained above, and the same considerations apply.

Actually Meeting, at Last!

The time has finally come, and you are physically meeting your Ukrainian woman for the first time ever!

If your interest has grown progressively with your mutual, virtual communications until you decide that the time has come to see her in real life, this is probably going to be one of the most unforgettable moments of your life, hopefully positive.

Your emotions will probably be in turmoil. You will be elated, nervous and possibly also drained out by travel fatigue and jet lag. Then there’s the stress of a hitherto-unfamiliar environment, maybe a lost piece of luggage or two, and all those little, irritating mishaps that may befall any international traveler.

Calm down and watch how your Ukrainian beauty approaches you or reacts as you get nearer to her. A lot can be learned by her initial reactions, some even say that you will notice almost immediately if a Ukrainian woman is ‘into you’ or not.

Her Body Language

All animal species use a number of body signals to express their emotional state, and all the more so for some basic extremes like aggressiveness/hostility vs. subservience/acceptance.

These are less overt and noticeable in us humans. They are therefore classified as subconscious because we rely on language as our basic medium of communications. Nevertheless, they can be ‘read’ by an observer with a minimum of detachment, alertness and psychological insight, admittedly hard to maintain under these circumstances.

Some experts in communications psychology [10] maintain that the impression we get of someone we meet comes through:

  • Body language – 55%
  • Tone, speed and inflection of voice – 38%. What is actually being said – a mere 7%.

 So, let’s suppose you are meeting your Ukrainian woman here – which in itself is significant:

  • At your arrival airport/station (she’s come to welcome you)
  • At a pre-agreed public place (a café or restaurant – neutral but encouraging)
  • At her IBM’s premises (she feels that she needs some 3rd-party support)

What you should observe is her reactions as she first sees you, i.e., look for her initial ‘messages’ of acceptance/pleasure or rejection/disappointment:

  • She smiles at you – not just with her mouth, but her whole face lights up.
  • She walks towards you – rather than waiting for you to reach her.
  • She opens her arms in greeting.
  • She is grateful/pleased by your gift/flower(s) – supposing you thought about bringing any.

These are all positive messages, meaning she does not reject/fear you but is ready to let you ‘enter her space.’ Remember, we all have an invisible sphere of space around us, the width of which is culture- dependent, where we only allow ‘trusted’ others to enter.

Now you agree to go sit somewhere and spend some quiet time together. While going there, a Ukrainian woman’s points of etiquette may be worth remembering, for Eastern women usually DO notice them:

  • Did she accept your proffered arm while walking?
  • Did she appreciate your letting her be seated first, or helping her out of her coat?
  • Do you walk on the street side, keeping her away from any possible splashes or dirt from passing vehicles?

When you are finally seated and having your quiet time together:

  • Does she often maintain eye contact (she is truthful and not afraid)?

The invisible psychological sphere or ‘bubble’ of space around us, with its Intimate, Personal, Social and Public areas

Strangers entering it from the outside are confronted with increasingly cooler reactions as they ‘invade’ our ‘safety’ areas.

  • Does she lean towards you (she wants to get closer)?
  • Does she touch her hair/straighten her dress occasionally (she wants to make sure her appearance is in order)?
  • Does she keep her arms/legs mostly open (she accepts your presence)?
  • Does her posture appear relaxed (she feels no threat)?
  • Do her pupils often look dilated (she’s devoting her attention/concentration to you)?

As you can see, there are a lot of little tell-tale messages that may be conveyed by her movements/postures which you should try to ‘tune in’ into and base your subsequent conduct accordingly.

Is Knowledge of Russian Necessary?

Russian is the language spoken by the majority of people in the former Soviet Union country you may be visiting. Its knowledge is not necessary, but helpful for various reasons, unless you have secured the services of a guide/interpreter – or your Ukrainian woman can act as one for you.

It is advisable to possess at least an understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet. This can be acquired without a major effort – for such day-to- day, mundane necessities like deciphering the names of metro stations, streets, restaurants, products sold in shops/markets, etc.

You cannot count on the general population to help you if you ask them questions in your language rather than theirs. The exception being maybe for some of the younger people who have more exposure to things Western, and American in particular.

Russian is a difficult language for most Westerners, but if you can spare the extra effort, do learn some of the language. A few basic words/sentences will reap rich dividends with your Ukrainian woman, her family and friends – even if you mangle it badly. They will appreciate your unexpected attempt at communicating with them in their native language, since not many foreigners can be bothered with it. To quote the words of a “brotherhood of men” member:

    “I found that the response to me speaking some Russian was fantastic and allowed me to see a different side to the people. I advise anyone going to Russia or Ukraine to at least learn a few basic sentences in Russian. This is mainly to show respect for the people in the country they are visiting, but it also has the effect of making the people want to help. If you shout English at someone who does not understand, they will never respect you or want to help you. Maybe this was the key to meeting some of the wonderful people I met during my time in Ukraine?”

What if Things Go Wrong?

Your so-far virtual communications had led you both to conclude that there was enough ‘chemistry’ to justify a long-awaited face-to-face meeting.

However, even “The best-laid plans …” – as Robert Burns wrote and John Steinbeck repeated – “often go awry.” Also, what is technically known as a train wreck is an unfortunate event that may always happen, as reported in Tom’s Train Wreck.

It is wise always to consider the possibility of such an unfortunate turn of events, and have some contingency plans for it, just in case.

  • Always have a back-up plan

Depending on your personal preferences, this may consist in having:

  • Organized beforehand a Western men WMVM rather than WOVO trip.
  • A list of local IMBs – to set up other meetings on an emergency basis.
  • A guide on local attractions of possible interest, to convert your failed sentimental trip at least to a tourist excursion. This will also avoid you being stranded alone – probably angry and depressed – in an unfamiliar environment.

Anyway, you’ll have to start the process (Selecting, Contacting, Meeting) all over again if you have been bitten by the Slavic women bug, until you finally find what you are looking for.

What If Things Go Well?

Let us be optimistic, however, and assume that your first meeting was mutually satisfactory. There was chemistry between you as shown by the various signs mentioned above, and preferably also some signs of affection, such as holding hands, walking arm-in-arm and even an Eastern European woman’s kisses.

Therefore, you have both come to the conclusion that further time together is needed to continue your mutual probing and find out if things really work well between you two. This preferably also with the approval of/without a serious opposition from her family, who, remember, are facing the prospect of ‘losing’ a daughter, and maybe grandchildren as well, to a foreign man who lives far away. We have already stressed how strong former Soviet Union countries’ family ties may be and severing them is a hard decision for an Eastern European woman to make.

If you are already sharing an apartment, things may even progress much further. A Ukraine woman who suddenly says that she has to take a shower usually means that she wants to prepare for some form of deeper intimacy.

And, strange though this advice may seem, should a heated discussion or even a row develop between you, let it happen – it will be immensely instructive for both of you.

Eventually, you’ll have to leave and return to your country. At this point, developments vary depending on individual circumstances, such as occupational requirements, vacation time and funds available, family duties, etc. You must return for further visits and time together in the following weeks or months – best not to let too long a time pass.

However, don’t let your enthusiasm overcome you and rush you into an immediate decision to marry. The results of “the brotherhood of men” Cross-Cultural Marriage Survey shows that marriages preceded by a courtship of only 4 months or less are more likely to end in a subsequent divorce than those that were more pondered.

Spend the intervening ‘dead’ periods in between visits to consolidate your mutual bond using all the means of communication you both became familiar with during your earlier contacts. This will help to ‘keep the flame alive’ if no second thoughts occur to either of you. Unfortunately, we have witnessed some cases of cold feet developing when things had proceeded to the level of final commitment.

Consider also that leaving a job/profession in the former Soviet Union countries – and finding one again in case the foreign ‘dream’ crashes – has additional complications for Russian women compared to what happens in the West.

Also use this period to consider what practical steps you should take to make her adaptation a success once she moves to your country, by examining the differences between her current life circumstances and those awaiting her in the future (more on this in PART 4).

At some point along this path, both of you should arrive at the conclusion that a life together is what you really want and proceed accordingly.


Embark upon your adventure with a song in your heart but also some insurance in your back pocket, and while there it is imperative to try to think with the big head on your shoulders – and not the smaller one located far below.

Assuming that your expectations were met and possibly even exceeded, in PART 4, we shall consider what to do THEN with your successfully selected and responsive future Ukrainian bride.


[1] Online Dating Scams: Protect Yourself Now –







[8] https://cystalclear


[10] https;//

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