The Top 5 Biggest Regrets of the Dying

Ever Wondered What People Think in Their Dying Weeks? Can We Learn From Their Wisdom?

It’s an inevitable part of life, but death is something we all have to face at some time or another. Regret is what most people feel on their deathbeds. What is surprising is that the regrets of the dying are not to do with the things that they did, but rather the things that they didn’t do. For a more fulfilling life, are there lessons we can learn from dying people? There certainly are. Read on to find out more:

Bronnie Ware: A Palliative Care Nurse

Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse, is famous for the blog that she wrote in 2009 about her experiences with real-life examples of the many deep regrets that people had when faced with their own mortality. [1] By 2012, more than 8 million people had read her blog. She then went on to write a book memoir about the regrets of the dying that was translated into 27 languages. [2] This life-changing memoir, inspiring people to make changes in their own lives, has been backed up by more recent research. [3]

Have you ever thought about what you might regret on your deathbed? It’s a heavy question, but it can shed light on how we live our lives. Most people find themselves haunted by the missed opportunities and unfinished business that keep them up at night. They wish they had embraced life to the fullest, taken more chances, and chased their dreams with abandon.

Maybe there’s a relationship that ended in silence, words left unspoken with a loved one, or a failure to prioritize time with those who matter most. These regrets also include not nurturing personal passions or putting enough effort into achieving those long-desired goals.

Top 5 Regrets of the Dying

Bronnie Ware and other researchers noted that common themes surfaced among the dearly departing. Here are the top 5 regrets of the dying:

Not making their dreams come true

Countless individuals have aspirations of launching a new career, establishing a business, completing a degree, or embarking on an unforgettable journey. Despite these hopes, they often push them aside due to various reasons. Unfortunately, many people only grasp the magnitude of the missed opportunities in their own life when it is coming to an end.

Spending too much time working

This was the biggest regret that many men had. [4] Too many have made the mistake of focusing solely on their careers, neglecting their relationships in the process. They deeply regretted spending so much time on their work. They realize too late that they should have made more time for their loved ones. It may be a hard lesson, but it’s crucial to prioritize those who matter most in your life. Investing time and energy into them will bring immense joy and unforgettable memories. Don’t let work take away what truly matters.

Not living a life true to themselves

One frequently regretted decision is neglecting our inner voice. The one that tries to push us to live a life true to ourselves. Most people don’t realize even a half of their dreams. We frequently stifle our own aspirations and ambitions if they don’t conform to society’s expectations or what we believe others desire of us, depriving ourselves of living life true and authentically.

Countless individuals look back and feel remorseful about the considerable duration of time they dedicated to their vocation rather than allotting it to their closest companions. Their unyielding preoccupation with work led to neglecting their cherished relationships, and now they yearn that they had devoted more time to their loved ones.

It may be a tough truth to swallow, but it’s crucial to prioritize the significant people in your life. Carving out quality time with them holds immeasurable value and will bring immense happiness and memories that will withstand the test of time. It’s vital to make it a top priority.

Not staying in touch with old friends

As we age, we may find ourselves drifting away from dear friends made during our younger years. Maybe distance or diverging interests are to blame, but the end result is often the painful loss of important relationships.

In hindsight, many people regret not putting in more effort to stay connected and let golden friendships slip. It’s crucial to remember that these cherished individuals helped shape us and were integral to the memories that define our lives.

Don’t let old friendships fade away – keep in touch and nurture these valuable connections.

Not taking care of their health

Our physical health is essential to our overall well-being, yet we often take it for granted. Not exercising enough, eating unhealthily, and not getting enough sleep are all common examples of neglecting our physical health.

Unfortunately, people often don’t realize the importance of physical health until it is too late. To avoid this, it’s important to be mindful of our bodies and to listen to warning signs from our bodies. We should strive to make healthy lifestyle choices and take care of our bodies.

Life’s Too Short: What Have You Missed?

After reading the above regrets of the dying, just take some moments and try to imagine what you may have missed out on. Are any of these regrets of the dying striking a chord with you? Well, you know the saying, “While there’s life, there’s hope.” [5] So, there is still time for you to do the things you’ve always dreamed of doing. Just think how many dreams you could still fulfill and make your life complete while you still have time.

A Life Transformed

By taking action going forward, you could have a life transformed. If you always dreamt of having a family, go ahead! If you feel the window of opportunity has closed for you in the West or can’t find a traditional woman, why not try the traditional women of Ukraine? Are you curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Would you like to know what is a realistic age gap for you? Find out in minutes. Click here.

Or maybe you need to make changes to your work schedule and find more time for your loved ones. It will be time well spent. Try to rekindle old friendships – you’ll be glad you did. Sharing all the old times and making new times with them today. Changes for your health’s sake should also be one of your priorities for longer and more active life. Take up some new physical activities and other healthy lifestyle choices. Don’t live to regret anything!


[1] Regrets of the Dying – Bronnie Ware

[2] The Top Five Regrets of the Dying – Wikipedia

[3] How to overcome biggest regrets: Not living up to ideal self (

[4] Top five regrets of the dying | Death and dying | The Guardian

[5] Where there’s life there’s hope – Idioms by The Free Dictionary

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