The #1 International Dating Service – Find the Perfect Match in Ukraine

“International dating online – can it work out just fine?”

You probably asked this question in your mind many times after running into all sorts of weird, funny and crazy people on numerous dating websites on the internet. Find out the answer to that and to many more questions related to online dating and dating internationally in this article! Read it. And don’t wait to date! Whether online or offline. Be sure it all CAN be fine!


With the fast pace of modern life, rushing between our career and home errands we end up lacking time and opportunity to meet someone to date or marry in real life. That’s when we refuge to international online dating which gives us so many more dating choices and removes the borders of cities and countries. However, the more desperately you try to meet your mate overseas or just in a different part of your own country, the more bastards of all types you seem to be running into.

And if you finally found one person who seems to be nice and sincere, they never wrote back to you after the very first date or even before you ever got to meet them in real life. Why does this happen? Can you change it? (Oh yes, you CAN change it!)

Why I wrote this article

As part of the translation services for international dating agencies I witnessed many international dates, and I did try some online dating both internationally and in my own country myself too. So did the majority of my friends, both male and female. Looking back at all the experiences of my own and those of the people I know of, I wrote this article with simple rules to follow to get over the stress of your dating failures and be a success on the online dating scene. [1] I hope it will help make your online dating turn into real serious relationships! Enjoy reading and keep smiling!

Get Over the Fake Profiles. Stay Positive About People and Start with Yourself!

An easy thing to say, yet not so easy to do after you’ve been scammed of thousands of dollars. Or came to a date with whom you thought was a pretty blonde to find her age and weight are double of what she stated on the online dating app. And if you had to fly across the oceans to make it happen that makes it worse. The basic rule here is: STOP HATING OR STOP DATING!

After coming across a scammer, a cheater or a liar on one of the dating websites, have you started to feel hatred to the very idea of meeting someone special online? If that’s your case, don’t even give it another try! Do you know that “thoughts are material?” Practice has shown we get whatever we believe, [2] as long as we REALLY believe it.

Keep a positive attitude when on a dating website

Once your attitude changes from positive to negative and you start to talk to a new person, you actually already assume they are a liar or a scammer even before you get to know them better, what good can you expect from your communication with them at all? Even if they turn out to be a nice and honest person you will always have this feeling of making the wrong presumption about them pending upon your relationship.

Don’t leave angry notes on your dating profile

Browsing the dating profiles of guys on dating sites (both local and international) I would often come across notes “Scammers and cheaters stay away!” “Don’t write if you are just another liar!” “You are all liars here, if you are one of them just skip my page!” I was totally sincere in my goals. I was never desperate to just “marry anyone that turns up” but I would be all for a relationship if I did meet someone special. However, those angry notes were a total turn off for me. I am sure, for the real scammers they were not, though!

Just remember this: there’s no way to stop scammers from writing to you by telling them not to. They are making their money fooling people and most of the time they just send out pre-written letters to as many people as they can without ever looking through your profile. The more they send out the more chance there is for them to get a catch! They don’t look at what someone wrote on his page at all!

Pre-written letters

Even myself, being a girl and not a man (!!!), I got several letters on my social media account saying, “My Dear Man of my Dreams, I’m Marianna, a beautiful girl, and I came across your profile and fell in love with you…” (Bla, Bla, Bla.) And when I wrote to them explaining I’m not even a male (!!!) and wondering what on earth they wanted, they just kept addressing me as Mr. Right and sending me pre-written love letters [3] eventually ending in a request to send some money to save them from slavery in some African country they were kidnapped and brought into!

So, if these scammers don’t even care if you are male or female, you can imagine they couldn’t care less about what you wrote about them on the top international dating site. It’s the honest girls that will read what you wrote, and if you presumed, she may be a scammer before you even got to know her, she will feel hurt. When you are posting something negative like those “Scammers, I hate you!” notes beware of the fact scammers won’t even see them.

Angry notes turn off the genuine girls

While the real girls will, but who will want to write to someone that got so negative and frustrated with bad experiences he sounds like he doesn’t believe in any real relationships any longer at all? (At least that was my personal impression from such men’s profiles, and I never wrote to any of them). It’s definitely the positive and happy profiles on top international dating apps that get ways more attention from the “real” people! (From the side of scammers, unfortunately, the level of attention towards you will be the same whatever you write).

The need to develop a positive communication style

So how do you develop a people-friendly thinking and writing style and communicate with people in a positive way? Again, the rule of “stop hating or stop dating!” applies. In order to do that you should learn to feel good about the world and people in general and about yourself to start with! Just think of this. If you are positive and self-confident and know you aren’t a loser, why worry about writing angry stuff addressed to anyone that may be on the international dating website?

Advice on positive postings

You are smart, successful, funny and happy and you deserve a great partner in life. If someone is a bastard or a scammer, it’s them that are losers if they have to be that way to make a living knowing no better, not you! So why worry about them? You should focus on drawing the attention of people like yourself and not like them! Posting something positive on the dating site like “I’ll be happy to meet some nice people and hopefully my future soulmate” or “I do hope to make new friends and maybe more!” or “Are you a funny, sincere and happy lady still searching for her soulmate? Do feel free to drop me a letter!” does sound better than the angry “I hate the scammers!” notes, doesn’t it? And it doesn’t have to be exactly the above-written words. Try to be positively creative!

No Success with International Online Dating Sites? Just Learn to Move On.

Situation one

So, you met this charming girl on a dating site and had a crush on her, but something feels very wrong, and she doesn’t even seem to be real. And all the evidence shows that. She doesn’t want to open her webcam for even one minute. When you ask to meet with her in real life, she is always busy. She never answers the phone. Or all she talks about is you sending her a bunch of money, so she can come to you from another city/country and marry you in a week.

Situation two

You met someone, and she did happen to be real. But it doesn’t look like she is interested in you at all. She will only spare an hour a day to meet up with you for a coffee/dinner date and then she has to rush. When you are talking, she looks out of the window and doesn’t even listen to what you say. She acts so rude at times, but she’s so wonderful and pretty. You paid so many months of membership on that dating site to even get one date with her. And even worse if you had to travel miles away to meet her in a different city/country.

Situation three

Your relationship crossed the “online” borders and did move “offline”. And it did progress. You are dating and she seems to be interested and responsive. Maybe you are already having a romantic story starting. However, your personalities are ways too different and other than physical attraction there’s not much there. Or maybe some things are there, but some others that you consider crucial in a relationship are not.

You just feel you are not right for each other even if both of you may be wonderful people. But it’s so hard to break your partner’s heart and tell her about it. And then you had previously spent so much time and effort with other dating sites that never worked to finally find something that does, in a way. After having invested so much time, effort, and often money, it feels so difficult to just break up a relationship whether it’s still pending in the “online” status or moving on to the “offline” one. Even if it has a zero chance to turn into any of what you hoped for in the long run!

Know when to call it a day

At times you get so agitated you keep telling yourself there’s still a chance to make it work. And you keep spending even more time, more effort and more money on the endeavor that you already know deep in our heart will never work. You keep paying to write letters to someone on a dating site that you pretty much know doesn’t even exist. You keep asking a girl that doesn’t care for a simple friendship with you, not to mention a romantic relationship, out every night. Arguing with someone you just had a few dates with blaming her for acting wrong and trying to change her because you hate to break up something you spent so much time on to just move it to the “offline” status. Enough is enough.

Quit while you’re ahead

A gambler always comes to a casino with a striving to win. When he wins a few bucks, he gets agitated. Most of the time, he will start to lose. The smart move would be to take the winnings and leave. But because of his agitation he keeps making bets even after he gets into the losing situation, and he loses more and more until he loses it all. Have you ever thought our dating situations are often like that of the gambler in the casino? Relationships are kind of a game too – you can win a lot, or you can lose more, or you can stop at the right time!

Online dating sites often make one feel like that casino thing. You pay a little for writing to the lady and if she responds and you keep corresponding, you pay a bit more for your international dating membership thinking you are going to hit the jackpot and win the most glamorous beauty’s heart. And if it doesn’t happen your hurt pride makes you spend even more time and money to redeem the damage, even if your mind already knows nothing will happen. And if, at any chance, one of your international dating relationships moved on to the “offline” stage, you grab on to it as if it were the last thing to resort to.

Learn to let go

After spending all that money online, you want to get at least something “real”, even if that “real” person isn’t the right one for you at all. Had you just bumped into them in the street and invited them out a few times, you probably wouldn’t even care to carry on with this relationship seeing no future there. But the more time and effort you had spent to get it the more stubborn you get with pursuing it. Even if your logic keeps telling you are only chasing an illusion.

What you should learn is treating your international dating relationships realistically. If it isn’t working and the person is obviously not real, or not honest, or not nice, or not matching. Just stop it at the right timing and let it go! Even if you were scammed or lied to or cheated. It does hurt like it does hurt losing some money at the casino. But if you continue you will lose ways more! However, once you let the old hopeless thing go you can move on to new endeavors with higher winning chances. In the worst case you can break even, in the best you will eventually hit your jackpot.

Make Your International Dating educating

I still remember my first online date. It was back in 2000. Back then a chat program named ICQ with its “Friend-Finder” function just grew popular in the former USSR. The “Friend-Finder” function gave you a chance to enter the residence area, age range and gender of people you’d like to chat with, and ICQ came up with a list of everyone of that age-group and gender from the listed area that were online. You could then send an “Accept Friend” request to anyone of them and start a conversation if they accepted, but just all instant chat, as back then online voice and video calls were unheard of.

“Accept Friend” request

One day I got this “Accept Friend” request from a guy around my own age from my city. The online dating thing was so new in my country back then and I was so curious I decided to accept. We chatted for a while, and I found out his name is Alex; he’s interested in computers and owns a small business. At least that was what he told me. He sounded nice and eventually we decided to meet in real.

No photo-a big mistake

At the time, the Internet was so slow most people didn’t have a chance to download even a thumbnail pic on their ICQ profile. I somehow did but I never saw the photo of the guy I was going to meet as he had none. He did describe himself, but that was pretty generic. Brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10”. And when I came to the meeting spot we agreed on, every other guy passing by matched that description. However, none of those guys seemed to stop by nor looked like they were waiting on someone at all.

The shocking meetup

The meeting place was by a big monument in the central square, a popular local landmark for all sorts of meetings and I was looking around to spot my online friend. I only saw a mom with a small daughter, an old man and 2 college kids who were holding half-empty beer bottles in their hands and looked and acted like they had emptied some more of those earlier. I decided to take a few steps away as I wasn’t quite interested in being around 2 drunk kids. And at that very moment one of them stepped out with a smile towards me “Hey, are you Tanya?” He was holding out the half-empty beer bottle “Get yourself a treat, help yourself!” “Are you Alex?” I was shocked.

The real story

Just then I realized I hadn’t seen his pic, but he had seen mine. Right then I found out the real story. The guy was a student at a local college, only saw computers he was “interested in” at the college library and his “small business” was writing cribs for college tests for other students. An inexperienced dater, he brought his friend over. And because the friend had never been on a date either they also brought some beer over. And whatever they hadn’t finished while waiting was supposed to be my treat. I had to politely turn down the offered beer and make up a story of needing to rush back home in 15 minutes to prepare for my tomorrow’s test in history.

My first online dating experience didn’t stop me

That was my very first online dating experience. Not quite the “dream date” as you can imagine! What would you do if that happened to you, and you met a girl that’s shockingly different (in a negative way) from her profile or letters? Would you dare go on another date with someone else? Or would you just quit the attempts of dating online? Guys and girls, young and senior singles, all of us at times get our bad or weird or crazy online international dating experiences once we try it. And after the very first one many will want to give up thinking it’s a misfortune to have invested time, effort (and at times even money) into the endeavor that didn’t work.

Don’t give up. Be more careful

However, when we invest in the stock market it can also go down and we can lose money. Still, we invest again just more carefully this time, and the more we learn about the rules of investing the more our chances for success are. When we are a baby and first learn to walk, we fall and hurt ourselves, but we will stand up again and keep trying until we finally take our first steps. We make spelling mistakes in our written compositions until we learn the grammar rules well.

Learn from your mistakes

In every sphere of life, we make mistakes and get some bad experiences, but our experiences grow better and better as we gradually educate ourselves in these spheres. Isn’t dating just another sphere of our lives where we should rather get educated by our mistakes and get better taking those into consideration instead of giving in? My first online date with a drunk student is no more than a humorous experience to me now, 12 years later. I even wrote a funny story titled “Friend-Finder” on that one.

Putting what I learned into practice

After that incident I met many other people, I’d instant chat on the internet, just making sure I talk to them long enough to see if they are really interesting and intelligent or just bragging. I also asked them for a photo ever since. And I would stand at some distance from the meeting place spotting someone I’m supposed to meet so they wouldn’t notice me before I made sure they didn’t show up to the date drunk. From that first dating experience I just learned to be more careful, but I didn’t give up! As a result, I eventually met lots of nice people. I did meet some bad ones too. And some real bad ones, incomparably worse than that drunk student.

However, I always followed the ancient philosopher’s advice: “When someone hurts you, keep trusting people, just grow a bit more careful.” And, I must admit, in my life the nice people I met way outnumbered the bastards of all sorts. I made some good “real life” friends among my internet pals over the years. And I know I will also meet my perfect match one day.

It doesn’t have to be international dating, by the way. I could meet him in my hometown. But I still consider my online adventures a big bonus. That’s an experience helping me read people better and succeed with finding the really right person one day, whether online or offline.

Lessons to gain knowledge from

A few things I learned from my online experiences (and from observing those of my friends, both male and female, local and international singles from different countries) definitely help get much better chances of a good date. When I say “a good date” it doesn’t mean there will be a guarantee you will immediately find your perfect match and marry a month later. It just means you will learn to have a good time on most of your dates and even those turning out a total disaster won’t cause you depression or stress but rather be a lesson to gain some knowledge from. It’s all about learning to have the right attitude after all!

So here are some tips on how to learn to avoid the stress of dating failures and be a success.

Keep faith

  • Keep faith in finding whoever you hope to find one day. Remember the saying I mentioned in the introduction, “What we believe always happens to us in life as long as we REALLY believe it” (and work to make it happen, I would add). You should be absolutely positive about the thought sooner or later you will find the person you are looking for. You should just keep looking without getting desperate, negative or nervous.

Thomas Edison, a famous scientist, was once doing experiments attempting to implement one of his ideas and nothing was working right. Someone advised him to give in saying “Why bother trying? You already tried 100 things that didn’t work.” “The closer I am to the one that will,” was the famous inventor’s answer. And he kept experimenting until he got the result he needed. If he got desperate or lost faith he never would succeed. If you meet 100 wrong people, the closer you are to meeting the one right person.

Don’t have expectations

  • But don’t expect your date to turn out to be your dream Princess. She may or she may not. And building a picture of the gorgeous Princess in your dream before even meeting her will lead to your disappointment if by any chance she doesn’t turn out to be one. Being positive is a “YES”, and being hopeful of a good experience coming is a “YES”, but expecting anything as almost a granted thing is a “BIG NO!”

You can never be sure of what the single women you met, even on the best international dating site, turn out to be in real life. And even if they turn out to be someone wonderful and charming, you can’t guarantee they will fall for you as much as you fell for them. Accept people as they are without expectations. [4] While hoping for the better, be ready for the worse. Then, if your international dating doesn’t work right, there won’t be any dramatic disappointments as you never had any expectations to start with. And if things do work out just the way you wanted it will be a pleasant surprise for you only adding to your positive emotions!

Educate yourself

  • Think of your dating stories (even the bad ones) not as a tragedy but rather as an educating experience to learn from. Your international dating experience can end in a romantic love story, or just a good friendship, or a very brief conversation after which none of the two want to meet again. Any one of these is a positive thing since you only spent a bit of time and got to know a new person and nothing to lose there. If you’re looking for a Ukrainian woman, are you curious what your chances of success will be with her? Find out in minutes. Click here.

What if your date was a total mismatch with their Internet identity? Or badly misled you? Or turned out married and now her husband is writing you curse messages? “That’s no longer anything positive. That’s a disaster!” you will think. And, yes, it is, if you treat it this way. Or alternatively you can treat it as a new lesson to learn and benefit from it! Had you been smarter and more careful that wouldn’t have happened. And if you learned the lesson well, next time it won’t.

Take responsibility

  • Learn to take responsibilities for both victories and failures. When something negative happens to you it’s hard to admit your mistakes. However, you’ve got to realize if you failed it was only your fault. Maybe you weren’t thinking carefully enough before making your decisions. Maybe you were too naive. Or too stubborn to let a failing communication go just because you had already spent too much time on it and too much money on the international dating site services. Learn to accept your responsibility for your mistakes and take their consequences as an experience to make you wiser for the future.

Learn from other people’s mistakes too

If you observe other people around you are failing and making mistakes, try to learn from their experiences as well. They say, “A dumb person never learns, a clever one learns from his own mistakes and a wise one learns from the mistakes of others.” Try to be wise when there’s such a chance and clever in the rest of the cases. Then if you finally succeed with your search, you may know you were a good student who learned his lessons well, and you well deserved your top grade. Let your failures be a motivation [5] for you to do better next time and your victories something to take personal pride in!

Does It Really Matter How Online Daters Write a Letter?

She’s cute and her smile on the pic on the best international dating app is sincere and irresistible. Her profile sounds nice and real. And here you are writing a first letter to her. There’s a chance she will be interested and one she won’t. Is your first email important enough to spend time and effort on it at all? Or taking into consideration she might just ignore it anyways. Is it just OK to send a “Hello, I liked your profile, check on mine and let me know if you like it” message?

Yes. First impressions are priceless

Your first letter DOES matter! It will form her first impression [6] of you, and you can’t make a first impression twice! On most international dating websites, she probably gets a bunch of “Hello, check on my profile” notes daily, and it will help if you stand out among those on the international dating site. It will be great if you write something individually, but taking into consideration you can’t be 100% sure she will write back and might be sending letters to many men, it’s OK to keep part (but a part only) of your email “pre-written.” And PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! (!!!) No “Do you think I can be your Prince on the White Horse?” notes! They sound just as fake and unrealistic to a girl as, “I want to be your little Princess” notes do to a man.

Tips on what to include in your letters

What would be some small tips to make “real” and “sincere” girls more interested in writing back? While writing your first letter just try to be as much of yourself as you can. Write something simple and real about you. Describe your hobbies, your childhood dreams, things you enjoy doing at weekends, maybe a little happy moment of your life that stayed in your memories, a small experience on an international dating tour that impressed you the most. Anything that will make you sound like a real and unique person. Because that’s what will draw real and unique people to you!

Include unusual real facts about yourself

Have you got an unusual interest in life? Maybe something makes you different from others (even if it may be a weird one)? In my introductory emails I always wrote “I enjoy writing poems and short stories.” And “as a kid I spent every summer in the village with my great-grandparents, so I learnt to like nature and wild-life and don’t have any fear for animals including mice, frogs and snakes.” Those were just some small real facts about me, and they always drew lots of attention, even if you wouldn’t think men would fancy a girl who grew up as a tomboy. But they did!

And I always liked profiles of Western men who mentioned something like that in their profiles too. Even if someone mentioned that “as a kid he fell off a bicycle and broke his leg and never came close to a bicycle ever since.” That would be an international dating profile I’d read and respond to, even though who would think single women would fancy a guy that’s afraid of riding bicycles? But they do! Being interesting and real to someone isn’t about being perfect (none of us are), it’s about being YOU! And if she is from a different country, involves cultural differences and speaks zero of your language. What then? Hire a real interpreter, avoid Google translator!

Don’t rely on Google translator!

On one of the top international dating sites, I got a strange letter. The dating site was for Russian speaking people but this man from somewhere in Eastern Europe (I think it was Poland) somehow happened to get on it and decided to write to me. He didn’t realize I spoke English even though my profile stated it as my page was all written in Russian, so he sent me the letter (obviously pre-written) in a version translated by Prompt or Google Translator into Russian and added the English copy below.

“Lost in translation!”

The Russian copy shocked me a bit, to be honest! It said he’s “looking for a girl with nice breasts covered with long hair. But all in all, her looks don’t matter that much, it’s her entrails that do.” What a mix of a pervert and maniac! Speaking fluent English, I couldn’t believe my eyes and read the English copy. That one said he’s looking for a girl with nice breasts and fine long hair. But all in all, her looks don’t matter that much, it’s her personality that does. So quite a bit of it was “lost in translation.” I laughed for hours at this “Google translated” [7] masterpiece.

And note, Eastern European women that don’t speak English would not have even got down to the English part to find out the “real thing!” So, is the language barrier a big problem? Yes, it IS! And by choosing to write to international women that speak zero of your language, you are greatly decreasing chances that a real serious relationship will happen. Try to choose international singles who speak at least some level of your language. However, at times you might succeed even with someone that speaks none, but are willing to learn, if the right chemistry is there. Just remember, it will take a lot of time, effort and some real feelings on both sides for a serious relationship!

She Just Wants to Be a Friend. Does This Have to Be the End?

At times we all get fascinated by a person we talk to online even before meeting them in real life. And it’s not about expecting anything from them. You just love the way she writes, smiles on the video chats, talks on the phone. You love the jokes she tells and the e-cards she selects to greet you on the occasion of a holiday. And then you meet her in real life and find her just as fascinating, smart, kind, outgoing and positive and… she just wants to be a friend. Worse than that, mainly a pen friend. And even worse than that, a pen friend ONLY.

Some people are addicted to “living” online

Well, let’s eliminate the last option at once. It’s hopeless. Some people get so addicted to living online they never get into the real world and their relationships never grow into more than written lines and smileys. If you want a real relationship, she’s not for you. If a person you met in the “offline world” once never wants to repeat the experience, it’s a big “red light.” Also, if meeting someone for a cup of coffee seems like a huge sacrifice for her and she’d rather spend days writing emails and having a video chat, there’s not much hope for something real there.

If a person is addicted to cigarettes or drugs, the chances of getting them off this habit are low unless it’s their own desire to drop the habit. The habit of living online only is just as much of an addiction and if the person doesn’t have the will to drop it, you won’t succeed with getting them to.

She just wants to be friends

So, what if she just wants to be normal (“real life”) friends, but friends only? Meeting up for a cup of coffee every other weekend. Go to the movies and discuss the latest world news once in a while. Take a walk in the central park on a Friday night. But nothing more than that, nothing romantic. And you were so hopeful a beautiful love story would develop. What then?

Reasons not to give up on the communication

Does this have to be the end of this communication? Being a girl myself I would say NO. First of all, most of the girls take more time to make decisions on starting a relationship as they are very wary of getting emotionally attached to a man, thinking he might hurt them one day. They need to make sure they trust him enough before giving the romantic relationship a chance.

She might be getting over a bad relationship

Secondly, she might be still recovering from a previous bad relationship and not ready to start a new one right now. If you really like her, you shouldn’t rush her but rather give her time and become her best friend. And by the time she recovers and is ready to date again you will be there for her. Because if you don’t, someone else will.

Other plausible reasons

Thirdly, sometimes a girl doesn’t initially see a romantic partner in a man for one reason or another. He might not be her type looks-wise. Or his personality at first sight is too much like that of her brother and she only sees a “brother-figure” in him. Or she is too preoccupied with her school or career at the moment and isn’t into dating at all. She will be fine with instant chat and having an occasional meeting in real life, but no more than that. However, you only have a chance of having her friendship or nothing at all. And you are the one to make the choice there.

Friendships can become so much more in time

Friendships can eventually develop into something more serious. When you dropped the relationship, you dropped it all. Very often, when someone knows you better, your looks, similarity to her brother and other issues that might have been killing romance in her in the start don’t matter that much anymore. So often we, ladies, discover a potential partner in our longtime friend.

The one who felt like a brother, whom we would never hesitate to talk to about our secrets and love life disappointments. Someone, who would hear, understand us and at the same time wouldn’t try to get us in bed. Whom we wouldn’t expect any jealousy or criticisms from. One day a girl just sees he can be much more than a friend for her. And those serious relationships prove to be the strongest and longest lasting. You just have to have some patience.

Be a real friend-you never know!

And last, but not the least! I have to admit, nobody will guarantee your friendship with a lady will turn into something passionate and romantic. It’s all a matter of chance, (and partly your faith and patience.) But if you really fell for her, it’s worth making an effort to grow to be someone very special to her. Someone she can trust, talk to, joke and share fun activities with. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here to find out.

When she wants to move “offline”; she’s already making herself a real person for you. Don’t deprive yourself of spending some good moments in “real life” with someone you really care for. Even if it doesn’t develop into a long-term relationship, you’ll have another good REAL-LIFE friend. And friendship is precious. Don’t lose a chance for it! And if it does develop – it can be a best and most lasting relationship. Because when best friends also become best lovers it’s the best combination ever. Isn’t it worth a try?

Get Over All Stress with International Dating and Be a Success!

Example lesson #1

I had a date with that drunk student. And was about to be treated with some left-over beers. Quite a shock. A local male friend met a lady who looked above average on her pix. What a surprise when he saw her. He said she looked old enough to be his mom. And dressed like his grandma would. And overweight. “I just have a small flaw,” she admitted, “I’m not a very good conversationalist.” My friend commented that had it been her biggest flaw he wouldn’t mind, but the biggest was the one she had just landed on the chair. Seems like the big butt was never a turn on for most guys. (LOL). Shock. Shock. Shock.

Example lesson #2

Yet another male friend from the UK was corresponding with this stunningly beautiful (on her pix) lady from Ukraine. When he finally traveled many miles to meet her, she was 5’1 (152cm) and over 150lbs (70kg) instead of 5′ 5 ” (165cm) and 120lbs (55kg) as her profile stated. And that was all Photoshop. With all that, she kept eating like a pig and ordering Vodka with each of her meals. Big shock! Many of my foreign clients I translated for had a number of stories where they were scammed by Ukrainian singles or whoever was posing as them while using International Dating Websites.

Example lesson #3

One guy discovered it wasn’t even a girl on the niche dating site but a black African International Student in Odessa trying to scam him posing in the online profile as a beautiful blonde girl! The man found that out as the student left his cam open for a minute! Biggest shock ever, I guess? Do you call it funny? Weird? Sad? Or crazy? Or all of the above? Have you gone through some of those (or more crazy) international dating stories in your own experience? Don’t let stress and depression get over you.

Don’t let your “disaster” experiences get to you

Treat whichever of these stories you can with humor. Think of the fact you will be laughing at most of them 10 years later. As long as nobody got hurt it’s nothing dramatic. Even if you did get hurt and lost your precious time and money or went through a heart-breaking experience, well, you made a mistake somewhere along the line and weren’t careful enough. Learn to admit that no matter how painful that feels, you will be wiser in the future. Don’t let the feeling of being a loser haunt you just because your foreign dating has been lining up into a row of disappointments so far.

The more “disasters,” the closer you are to “The One”

Don’t concentrate on the relationships that are hopeless and move on to new people and communications. These will have more chances of becoming success stories. The more that doesn’t work, the closer you are to the one that will. Most popular dating sites will be a fun, educating and at times weird experience. And it’s an opportunity to meet new people around the world. Yet, no guarantees there. Your online communications might result in serious relationships. Or finding new friends. Or nothing at all. Any of these options is equally possible. And you should realize that so as not to go through unnecessary disappointments with long distance dating.

Don’t become obsessed

Furthermore, don’t make your search for international singles a number one life priority at all! Take it easy. Moving online for a permanent residence isn’t a solution for building a real relationship. The Internet is not the only place for meeting people. Keep that in mind. The less focused you are, looking for your online love around the world, the more chances you will have to find her. If you constantly expect to hit the jackpot when buying lottery tickets, it’s not very likely to happen. Most people who did hit the jackpot never thought they ever would!

“Online” and “offline” any normal and sincere person gets more attracted to positive and happy people with some interests and hobbies. It’s only the scammers that live off someone’s lack of self-confidence and desperation for a relationship. The people who are honest in their intentions look for someone that can bring positive and not negative attitudes into their lives.

Make yourself a well-rounded person

Don’t get desperate for love and relationships. Spend more time outside of the Internet. Socialize with your old real-life friends and make new ones. Pursue some hobbies. Make yourself a more well-rounded person. That will make you a more interesting and attractive person for both your “online” and “offline” dates. And very soon you will be writing to and dating with a much higher quality group of ladies with above-average education.

Learn to be happily single and you will find yourself even happier dating or married one day! And this is what I sincerely wish for you! I hope these tips help you succeed with your online dating, local or international, and turn your internet adventures into successful “real life” relationships. Your soulmate is somewhere out there, online or offline. You only need to meet each other on this planet. And it’s just a matter of some time, effort and the right attitude to make it happen!


[1] Online Dating Scams: Protect Yourself Now –







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