A Fairytale Come True! William Finds His Ukraine Bride 

Talk about love at first sight! William was smitten after his first date with the beautiful and intelligent Liliya. Had he found a Ukraine bride? Watch William and Liliya’s love story here: 

William expresses gratitude for Match Guaranty’s webinar, which led him to meet and fall in love with Liliya. The guidance helped him navigate the complexities of dating in Kyiv and find a genuine connection with Liliya. Match Guaranty’s three key tips were crucial to his success: meeting women in person, being himself, and trusting the team. He highly recommends Match Guaranty for anyone seeking meaningful relationships with traditional women.

From Chance to Love with Match Guaranty

William met and fell in love with Liliya thanks to Match Guaranty. [1] It almost didn’t happen as William came upon Match Guaranty almost by chance. He was searching for Russian and Ukrainian women and what scams to watch out for and happened upon a video from Match Guaranty. He mistakenly thought that “Guaranty” had been misspelled and therefore the site was a scam. (Guaranty is a variant form of “guarantee.” [2]) Anyhow, he found something in Joe’s genuine and sincere approach that made him look deeper into Match Guaranty. Are you curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Click here.

He watched more videos and decided that Joe was the real deal. He was genuine and sincere in his quest to help guys find love with Ukrainian women. So, that’s how William came across the Match Guaranty website, thinking what a scam!

The 3 Key Tips From Match Guaranty

  1. Get off online sites and come and meet Ukrainian women in the flesh. With so many disreputable sites, you don’t know who you’re talking to. You might be talking to Boris! You never know.
  2. Just be yourself. Don’t put on an act as Ukrainian women can detect whether you’re being genuine or not. They aren’t that interested in how many possessions you have. They are not looking for a big shot. There’s no game over here like back in the States. Also, you will be more relaxed being yourself. You can then be sure that any woman that you attract will love you for who you are. Even age gaps are not a problem. Would you like to know what is a realistic age gap for you? You can find out in minutes. Click here.
  3. It’s best to have the help and support of a marriage agency, but who are you going to trust? William can vouch for Joe, Anna, and Match Guaranty and how they helped him through everything. Their expertise and support were unparalleled.

From Florida to Ukraine – How William Found His Soulmate

So, William took Joe’s advice and came to Ukraine to find his traditional values wife. William had dated around 6 ladies but was taken by a particularly beautiful woman called Liliya. Here he was sitting across a restaurant table with a “model” who he would call a “10” back home in Florida. What impressed him most was how down-to-earth she was with him. Back home he would have felt out of his league, but with Liliya’s down-to-earth personality, he didn’t feel like that.

He found talking to her very refreshing. She was interested in how he spent his time. She asked questions about what he did on the weekends and what hobbies he had instead of questions about how much money he made and the kind of car he drove. It was a breath of fresh air. Liliya asked questions about his personality, attitude, whether he was a happy person, etc. Even though William was out of his league, her being a 10 and all, he didn’t feel like that. She was really cool and made him feel very comfortable with her.

A Story of Love at First Sight

William arrived on Sunday, November 24 in Ukraine and had his first date with Liliya that night. After the evening was over, he called his friend back in America and said, “I’ve found her!” He was completely blown away by her. After a couple of days, he even told the staff at Match Guaranty to cancel all the other dates he had lined up because he had found “the one.” The staff recommended that he shouldn’t do that, but he insisted that’s what he wanted to do. Before he left, they had 2 more dates. William told Liliya he wanted to come back a month later for Christmas. Liliya had already planned to spend time with her family at that time so she said he could meet the family.

An Unforgettable Journey That led to an Unexpected Proposal

One month later, William went back to Ukraine. He was so sure she was “the one” that he had already bought a ring to ask her to marry him. But first, he wanted to see how they would get on now that they would be together 24/7 on this trip. It was a great time, and there was no doubt in his mind. It was what he had dreamed of. He proposed on Orthodox Christmas, January 7, and Liliya accepted his proposal. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here. When William went back to Florida, they messaged each other every day on Viber, and every Sunday they video chatted. William says it’s so important to keep up the communication, especially when your long distance. 

Navigating Lockdown: Liliya’s Journey to the US!

Then she applied for a visa because she wanted to visit William in his home and see the country. Then 2 weeks before she was to arrive in March 2020, covid and lockdown came! What a disappointment for both of them. William said, “You can imagine the panic on his side.” What were they going to do now? Communication was very important at this time. It was not until July that Liliya was allowed to come. Luckily, Ukraine was not on the list of banned countries. It was quite an ordeal, but she finally made it. She approved of everything in William’s circumstances except for his dog jumping on the bed at 5 am in the morning! 

Uniting Two Worlds: A Love Story To Last a Lifetime

Liliya was touched when she first entered William’s house as he had decorated the whole place with Ukrainian flags and a big welcome banner. That’s what Liliya likes most about William is his warm heart and that he shows his feelings and makes her feel appreciated. Even when she was back in Ukraine he would do sweet romantic things like buying her flowers after she’d had a bad day at work. After spending some time together in the US, it was obvious they needed to take the relationship further. They were married on November 20, 2020; one year since they met in Ukraine. 

Advice from William and Liliya


William says long-distance relationships can be difficult and trying at times. His tip is to not give up. You get out of it what you put in. Keep communicating and share your thoughts. Don’t put on a fake show because it will come out eventually and then she will be disappointed. You need to be honest about everything. Liliya’s tip for women is to follow your heart. If you feel your heart “tickled,” you should listen to that.


William’s biggest fear was that he didn’t want Liliya to be disappointed with anything because she had given up everything to come over to be with him. Liliya’s fears were to do with her newfound situation. She had no fears about William. Liliya was used to living in cities, but Florida is a one-story place – quite different from what she was used to. Getting around could be a problem as she doesn’t drive. Liliya also feared not fitting in culturally, finding friends, and finding a job.

These fears are nothing compared to the love that is shared between them. William and Liliya are eternally grateful to Match Guaranty for the opportunity they gave both of them for love and happiness.


[1] Create an Account – Match Guaranty

[2] Guaranty Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

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