Peter & Ola: An International Love Story | Miracle or Fate?

Fate! A Miracle! Call it what you like. For Peter & Ola, It Was Love At First Sight! Watch the video now for this amazing romance. An international love story:

Attending Joe’s webinar on fate, miracles, dreams and belief was life changing. Shortly after, I met my soulmate and now wife, Ola. Joe’s insights on love and relationships guided us through our international love story journey, and we recently tied the knot. The lessons learned and the happiness we have found are immeasurable. Thank you, Joe, for creating a platform where love stories like ours can unfold.

An Instant Connection That Will Last a Lifetime

Imagine the idea of seeing your soulmate for the first time online and knowing it! That’s what happened to Peter and Ola. The first time Peter set eyes on Ola, he felt it straight to his heart and nothing has changed since. He just knew very quickly that she was the one.

From Coaching to Matchmaking: The Story of How Peter Found Love

After a coaching call, Peter decided to become a client of Match Guaranty for them to help him find his future wife. Match Guaranty’s matchmaker, Luba, selected some Ukrainian ladies that would be compatible with him. When Peter went through the list, he only chose one, and that was Ola. None of the other ladies stood a chance. Ola was impressed by his first letter to her. It was so impressive that she thought he must have had professional help to write it. She also loved the photo that Peter had attached to the letter of him with his children. Ola was ready for a Skype call! The long-distance relationship had started. If you’re curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be, click here and find out in minutes.

Two Hearts Unite Across the Miles

They saw each other for the first time online and immediately hit it off when they started talking. Peter made sure he asked Ola for her contact information. Luba told Peter that Ola didn’t want him to contact any other lady and Peter agreed because everything with Ola was so right. Why would he need a next adventure to pursue anyone else? After talking to each other for 3 hours a day for 3 weeks, Peter decided to come and see her in Kyiv. 

A Dream Come True: Ola Finds Her Perfect Match in Peter

Peter only met one lady when he came to Ukraine, and they were like peas in a pod for the whole week he was there. Each of them said they didn’t want to talk to or meet anyone else. Ola was so completely smitten with Peter and was so confident in their connection that she told the matchmaker at Match Guaranty to delete her profile. She decided this guy was the one for her. She believes that a person should not stop dreaming no matter what it is because everything is possible. The age gap was not an issue for Ola. Would you like to know what is a realistic age gap for you? Click here.

Make Every Sunday an Anniversary with Peter and Ola

Five weeks after the first video chat, Peter and Ola are celebrating with a bottle of champagne! In fact, they have celebrated every Sunday since that first Skype call! Their first date in Ukraine was also on a Sunday! An amazing experience for the pair of them. It was like an anniversary for them. They had 2 bottles of wine and just chatted and chatted. It was like they had known each other forever. Peter and Ola saw each other every day, including a lovely dinner with Ola’s son and daughter at a top-of-the-range restaurant. Also, they had a day excursion when Peter took Ola’s mother out into the country to look at some new apartments that were being built. 

A Love Story That Conquers Distance: Peter & Ola’s Forever With Match Guaranty

Even though Peter had to leave, they were happy that they could still continue talking via video chats with each other. Peter gives Match Guaranty a thumbs-up for the best life experience and says they’re never going to look back. Peter plans to come back after a month and again 2 months after that when Ola has finished the final audits for her job at the company she works for. Then Ola will be free to make the move to Zimbabwe where Peter lives.

Unlocking a New World of Possibilities for Ola

When asked how she feels about moving to Zimbabwe, Ola says the answer is very simple. If she is registered with an international agency, it means she is ready to make a change with people of different cultures. The country doesn’t matter as it all depends on Peter and the support, he will give her. Peter has future plans looking forward a few months to when she will come to live in Zimbabwe with him. As his wife, she will no longer have to work and can be a lady of leisure. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here and find out.

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