The Foolproof Guide to Finding Love with Ukraine Brides

Ordinary guys CAN find love in the former Soviet Union. However, the journey is far from straight forward. An awareness of the myths and scams that abound in this industry is necessary. Arm yourself with useful knowledge. Read on to discover:

I’m not a male model or bodybuilder. I definitely do not look like Brad Pitt. I didn’t invent the internet, or star in any movies. I’m just an ordinary guy from Upstate New York. I’ve been through it all trying to date local women. Back then, I never knew why, but I just couldn’t find the right “fit”. I thought I would never find “the one”.

Then one Memorial Day weekend in Lake George, NY, my cousin Tommy and I were discussing dating. He was ALSO having an impossible time just finding a girlfriend. They weren’t that into him, or he wasn’t that into them. We started joking that maybe we’d have to go get some “Mail Order Brides”. Then the joking quickly turned to curiosity. We were there the entire holiday weekend, with nothing to do but enjoy the water, the weather, and think. And we DID think. A LOT. About how realistic it is to successfully go to Eastern Europe or Ukraine and bring back a Mail Order Bride. Are you curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Find out in minutes. Click here.

How my journey to marry a mail order bride started

When I got home after the long holiday weekend, I started researching everything I could get my hands on to find out if it was REALLY possible to meet, woo, and marry one of those gorgeous, model-like Mail Order Brides. It turns out it IS possible. But, like everything in life, not AS easy as the companies selling the tours claim it is.

So how do ordinary American guys like me FINALLY find the ONE? How did I get a highly educated, smart, funny, BEAUTIFUL (if I may say so myself!) former model, as a Ukrainian wife of over four years (as I write this), sleeping in our bedroom, while our beautiful baby daughter sleeps in her nursery?

The short answer is, “very simple”. I went overseas to find a relationship!

I know some American men are like me in a lot of ways. Especially that fateful Memorial Day weekend with my cousin. You’re fed up with your love life like I was. You’re SERIOUS about taking the next step to find happiness and to stop being alone. You’re curious about finding a GORGEOUS lady from the former Soviet Union to woo, marry, and bring back home to live happily ever after.

And I know what you’re thinking about this sounding too good, or why everyone is not doing it. Or “I’ve heard about ‘Mail Order Brides’, and it’s just a scam.” I’m here to tell you with absolute certainty that it is NOT a scam, but yes, it does take a certain type of man to achieve success. I lived in Ukraine full-time and shared office space with a marriage agency. I got an insight into this industry, and believe me, I have seen it ALL!

Ukrainian Mail Order Bride Scams

We’ve all heard the myths and horror stories of Western men finding exotic ladies abroad and losing thousands of dollars in scams. [1] Does this happen? Yes. ALL the time. But it is VERY simple to avoid these scams when you know how to avoid them. First let’s talk about the myths and scams, and how you can avoid them.

Myth #1: Mail order brides Just Want Your Money

If you ask anyone, what do you think about me going to Ukraine and finding a bride? They will commonly say, “They just want your money!” I even heard this one from my family while I was doing my research. They didn’t know anyone who this happened to, but they were CERTAIN this was the case!

Does it happen? YES! Typically, when cash scams happen, it happens either BEFORE you go to Ukraine, or shortly thereafter. I’ve heard of people getting asked for cash to meet them in Kiev, or when they do meet up in Ukraine, they are asked for funds almost immediately.

These scams happen ALL the time. The easiest way to avoid them? Go through a reputable Romance Tour Company! It’s so important to join a legitimate Ukrainian dating site. You absolutely need an ally on the ground in a foreign country. Guys want to save cash by avoiding the Ukrainian mail order wives, and are sometimes taken for MUCH, MUCH more. Think about the wasted airline tickets, hotels, time off of work, etc., before you even get into how much they took you for. That’s called “Penny wise, pound foolish”. They try to save the cost of the tour, and lose much, much more. (Elena, 30, Poltava, Ukraine)

The other one that happens is the lady will start a friendship with you and begin asking for funds, frequently. Sending small amounts of cash here and there is NOT a problem. An extra $50 can go a LONG way for your girlfriend to have a fantastic weekend at the spa, or for extra groceries, etc. But if she’s asking for more, or very frequently, there’s a problem. Anna, and every other girl I know that was sincerely looking for love, went out of their way to NOT ask for cash, even when it could have really helped them. Even when I offered to pay for things, she quickly declined.

Myth #2: Ukraine Brides Just Want a Green Card

As we discussed before, they are truly looking for a man to start a family with. I’ve seriously NEVER heard of this actually happening to anyone. I have heard of Ukrainian ladies who were in an abusive liaison once they got to their destination country, and in EVERY instance, they came straight back to Ukraine! Again, remember, their ENTIRE lives are in Ukraine!

I’ve lived in Ukraine, and I want to move back again! It’s a wonderful place to live, and there are of course pros and cons to living in any city, or country, but when someone’s entire life is somewhere, that’s where their heart is. They will ONLY venture away to a foreign country when they feel completely comfortable with YOU! To give you a quick crash course, trust me when I say, it’s much harder getting them TO your country, then them coming and leaving you!

Scam #1 Letter Writing on Online Dating Websites

Now this one doesn’t get brought up too often, only because there is a huge financial benefit to the companies involved. Letter writing is what most of the large romance tour companies offer. “Write a letter to a Beautiful Ukrainian now!”. But having lived in Ukraine, and talking to many of the Ukrainian ladies who work for these other companies, I can tell you, 99% of the time, letter writing is a scam! [2] I personally know some of the people who worked for these companies writing letters. Typically, it’s a girl (or guy!) acting as 20-30 different Ukrainian ladies, who were trained to write back vaguely to the men who wrote them, at $10 a pop, EACH way!

The worker will have profiles and basic information on all 20-30 girls. An email comes in from some poor guy at $10 in English. They will always very quickly write back. They have this down to a science as they will very carefully craft the responses to never answer any personal questions. That way just in case the guy does actually meet her, between the translator and the vague responses, and the nervousness of finally meeting the lady of their dreams, it can be very difficult to detect there was fraud happening. (Vladislava, 26, Poltava, Ukraine)

If you haven’t seen the documentary, “Love Me”, [3] watch it as soon as possible! There is a great example of a guy who spent almost $10,000 dollars on letter writing, met the mail order bride he was writing, PROVED she wasn’t getting the emails, and when asked later, he STILL didn’t want to believe it, and “wasn’t sure” if she was the one who was responding or not. This is because psychologically, his brain was protecting him against ALL ODDS that this girl was dying to be with him, like the letters suggested.

Scam #2 Socials Arranged by Ukraine Brides Agency

There are many companies that bring men from Western countries over to Russia and Ukraine, and the big event where you meet 100-200 ladies is called a “social.” MOST Socials are designed to make you fail. It’s VERY typical for men to go to Ukraine two, three, four, (I’ve even heard of guys coming every year for over 10 years!) to Ukraine and going to a social event with the same company. Think of how happy this makes the tours company seeing the same guys come back every year at $5,000 per tour!

Think twice about signing up with an online dating company that has you in any location for two days or less. Are they hoping you’ll meet a Ukrainian girlfriend, date, propose, and plan a future in less than 2 days? Psychologically speaking, you MUST have MULTIPLE face to face encounters to create a bond.

It makes sense to people that they should meet as many women as they possibly can meet in 7 days. But it’s designed so men HAVE to come back multiple times.

If you watch the documentary mentioned above, “Love Me”, there is a man who DID find love, but it took him SIX trips to find her. At $5,000 per tour, plus an average of $2,000 for airline tickets, he spent approximately $35,000.

The socials are absolutely overwhelming and designed to be this way. When you walk into a room with 200+ stunning ladies, it is VERY hard to keep your cool. Think about the last time you ran into ONE stunningly beautiful lady recently at a Coffee Shop or Store. Did you notice how she just seemed to magically steal the room? Did you quickly run up to her and successfully get her phone number? Unlikely. MOST guys wouldn’t. She’s intimidating, right? This is a fight or flight reflex.

This goes back many years, when the most beautiful women were “reserved” for the tribe leader. If you were someone of lower rank and were to mate with her, you could be beaten and/or thrown out of the tribe, where you could potentially die alone! This is hard-wired into our brains over thousands of years to stay away from gorgeous women! Just like jumping if you see a snake for example. It was a reflex that was built into evolution, because the people who had those reflexes, lived to reproduce!

When guys walk into that social for the very first time, they can sometimes, LITERALLY, barely talk! Being surrounded by hundreds of drop- dead gorgeous ladies is something that does NOT happen in normal life, and it is totally overwhelming. When you are around this many hot Ukrainian brides, it becomes extremely difficult to start focusing on a handful.

Sometimes it takes guys a full hour of the social before they can begin to “get to work”. These companies view this as a successful social because they threw the guys into the room. Job well done, since they make money if you don’t build a friendship.

The other natural thing that happens is you start to focus on too many women, or wait to see if an even prettier Ukrainian girl will walk in. When you don’t get to spend a substantial amount of time with any one Ukrainian woman, you don’t build attraction or the beginnings of a bond, so the woman has very little to go on if they care to see you again or not.

When we do tours, we keep them EXTREMELY limited to the number of guys who can attend, and we stay in ONE city the entire week. This way we can help you build a STRONG relationship all week with the gorgeous Ukrainian girl of your choosing! Each client gets 1-On-1 Coaching throughout the week to make sure he is successful.

Prostitutes At the Social to Meet Ukrainian Brides

Did you notice any girls who were on a scale of 1-10, a 12? Who was beyond attentive to any American men at the social? This is because these tour companies PAY both regular Ukraine women AND prostitutes to be at the social. Think about it. If there are beautiful and “easy” women at the social, and a guy goes home bragging about hooking up, think about all the “free” publicity the tour companies get. Was the guy successful in meeting his wife? Of course not. But at least his one-night stand meant he wasn’t lonely for ONE night.

If you didn’t catch it, I said these companies pay REGULAR women as well. What does that mean? It can be very difficult to get a large group of women at a venue by offering simply free champagne. These companies go as far as PAYING these Ukraine women 100-200 hryvnia (the Ukrainian currency) per party! This certainly helps the turnout of gorgeous women to go up! But are they sincerely looking for a husband? Of course not! They’re sincerely looking for free champagne and free cash! This hurts YOU, the customer. You CANNOT succeed at building a successful relationship with a Ukrainian woman who does NOT want to be there to meet you!

What we do is simple. We have you give us a list of all the potential Ukrainian wives you are keen on meeting. And not just for beauty, we’re looking for matches in personality, hobbies, etc. as well! Then, we give YOUR profile to these Ukrainian women. Some will say they don’t want to meet you. Some will say they DO want to meet you. Reasonable age gaps are also possible. Would you like to know what a realistic age gap is for you? Click here.

The ones that say they DO want to meet you, are INTERESTED in YOU! They’ve seen your photo, read your bio and interests, and are sincerely keen on meeting you. We sleep much better at night helping you succeed and earning more business when your jealous friends come with us on the next tour. And their mates on the next tour. We make money when you succeed! We’re not keen on having the same unhappy guys coming back over and over, meeting our paid Ukrainian women. We’re weird that way. (And think of all the cash we save by not having to pay uninterested women to show up!)

Scam #3 Translation for Your Ukrainian Lady

This is another scam that doesn’t hurt your wallet quite as bad as the ones above, but it still hurts. Since you’ve never met your Ukrainian girl, you obviously aren’t sure of how well she speaks English. Well, this is a girl who is NOT curious about you. She’s interested in the green stuff in your wallet. She says she is anxious to meet you, and to see you, but she’ll need a translator.

Most companies CHARGE you for translation. So, this darling little girl tells you to use her friend as a translator. At $20 per hour. You all have a wonderful, dream-like 6-hour date! From the expensive restaurant, to after dinner drinks and hookah, to dancing at the nightclub in VIP. You pay for everything, and then have a nice bill at the end of the night for translation. Then the translator, and the girl who speaks perfectly good English on her own, split your translation fee!

You’ve helped the local economy of scammers and bad tour companies, and wasted a week, airline tickets and the expensive tour fee for nothing. A lovely, fake, EXPENSIVE evening.

How do you avoid this scam? Simple. Only go on tours with free translation. That way, you know when you are out for the evening the Ukrainian girl is there for you, not to rack up an expensive translation bill!

The Road Ahead with Your Bride

This will surely be one of the greatest adventures of your life. Theodore Roosevelt [4] has a perfect quote to sum up the experience:

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”

No one is jealous of the guy who married his high school sweetheart who treats him like garbage and weighs in at just under 300 lbs. That was an easy relationship to get into (Irina, 36, Poltava, Ukraine). Having a stunningly beautiful, exotic, Ukrainian or Russian woman who absolutely adores you, is NOT as easy as marrying your high school sweetheart.

It will mean learning a new language and culture, traveling halfway around the world, and meeting tens if not hundreds of Ukrainian women to be your potential partner in life. It means starting a long-distance relationship and starting complex paperwork to get her back to your country. It means bringing her home, helping her adjust to YOUR culture, and building a home, and family together. If you’re up to it, would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Find out in minutes by clicking here.

It means traveling BACK to Ukraine later to visit her kin, and maybe one day bringing your future children to meet their grandparents. It means having a stronger relationship for dealing with the complexities of an international marriage. It also means being the envy of all your friends, family and coworkers, having a relationship most couples only dream about, and I can’t encourage you to get on the plane fast enough!

Happiness is a choice! Choose Now!

Now that you’ve finished this report, you are probably feeling the same way I was when I learned about this. EXCITED!

Psychologists now say THE Most important factor in a person’s happiness is their relationship [5], so it’s likely the most important investment of both time and funds you’ll ever make in your LIFE!



[2] What exactly is PPL dating? — Pay-per-letter and pay-per-minute relationships – 약손한의원 (

[3] Love Me – Mail Order Brides (documentary) – Bing video

[4] 67 Famous Theodore Roosevelt Quotes – Succeed Feed

[5] Positive Psychology and Relationships: What the Research Says About Happiness & Healthy Relationships — Blue Sky Mind (

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