Discover the Secret Why Beautiful Ukrainian Women Prefer Average Looking Men


Unlock the secrets of attraction with this eye-opening exploration into the world of dating and relationships. Dive deep into the surprising reality that average-looking men often captivate the hearts of stunning women, particularly those hailing from Ukraine and Sweden, renowned for their breathtaking beauty. Discover how these women, blending a rich tapestry of ethnic backgrounds, stand out with their diverse hair and eye colors, long legs, high cheekbones, and a style that radiates both natural and enhanced beauty.
This article reveals that physical appearance isn’t the sole driver of attraction for many women. Instead, qualities like intelligence, communication skills, humor, and strength play a pivotal role in long-term partnerships. Embrace the concept of sexual market value (SMV) and how it varies across cultures, with YourSMV as a revolutionary tool to gauge your appeal to women, especially in the context of Western and Slavic preferences.
Find out how your SMV can soar when shifting focus from Western women to family-oriented Slavic ladies. Learn the traits that women truly value – kindness, financial stability, assertiveness, passion, responsibility, sensitivity, honesty, maturity, and humor. This comprehensive guide provides insights into why hot women often seek average-looking men, emphasizing the importance of genuine character over mere physical allure. Discover the world of international dating and the possibility of finding love with a stunning Ukrainian beauty, who values substance and sincerity in a partner.

Ever wondered why you see average-looking guys with drop dead gorgeous women? It seems, according to a large-scale review of studies in this area, that beautiful girls are actually happier with less attractive men. It is true, really! So, you DO have a chance with beautiful Ukrainian women. [1]

A quick look around international dating sites will immediately reveal a plethora of Ukrainian beauties. They, along with hot girls from Sweden have been voted the most beautiful in the world. Their natural beauty is recognized in different countries around the world, and their beauty is more than skin deep.

Average looking men can’t believe that hot Ukrainian women could really and truly be happy with guys who are not attractive. Are you curious what your chances if success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Find out in minutes. Click here. Yet many studies show that women don’t place the same value on physical appearances. Women actively seek out less attractive males for a number of reasons, as we shall see later.

Just Why Are Ukrainian Women So Beautiful?

First, their beauty comes from a rich history mixed with different ethnicities. Different nationalities from surrounding countries have invaded and added their genes to the Ukrainian pool. This is why you will see a range of hair and eye colors among Ukrainian women. There really is every imaginable hair and eye color to choose from. Most have long hair, long legs and are slim. They typically have high cheek bones and well-defined eyebrows. 

She is known as a natural beauty, which she enhances with frequent trips to beauty salons. Her appearance means a lot to her.  She loves to dress in the latest fashion and keep her body in shape by working out. 

Ukrainian women are also attractive because of their inner world. They are beautifully feminine, respect their men and make devoted mothers with lots of affection. It’s not surprising that foreign guys want a future Ukrainian wife as they make perfect partners.

Beautiful Ukrainian Women Are Everywhere

You don’t need to (unless you want to!) walk down a street in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, to see beautiful Ukrainian girls. They are everywhere. The top 10 most beautiful Ukrainian women include many high-profile Ukrainian beauties, such as world champion gymnast, Bessonova, who won her gold in Greece. These beautiful ladies are also actresses. Even one Bond girl was a Ukrainian. Then there’s the multi-talented Ani Lorak. Iryna, a singer, hails from Lviv in the Galicia region in Western Ukraine. The list goes on.

How Do They Compare To Other Slavic Women?

Russian and Ukrainian women have the reputation of being equally as beautiful as each other. However, there are a number of differences. Maybe this information can help Western men decide which Eastern European girlfriend they would like to develop a serious relationship with. 

It is said that Russian women wear more makeup than Ukrainian women, who are more subtle with theirs. Where they really differ is in their personalities. No judging taking place here, it just depends on what your personal tastes are. 

Ukrainian women tend to be peace loving, great cooks and love attentive husbands. Russian women are also fantastic cooks. They are ambitious, independent and love their careers. Russian women need their personal space from time to time as well.

Both have strong family values. They want serious relationships that culminate in marriage and children. Ukrainian women, however, tend to be more emotional than Russian and Slavic women. 

There are so many advantages to marrying a Ukrainian woman over Western females. Apart from their obvious good looks, they are also intelligent. They will respect you and support you with all their hearts. With the average age of marriage being 25, you’ll likely have plenty of gorgeous young women to choose from. With all these young women, would you like to know what a realistic age gap is for you? Click here to find out.

You will also be able to choose from traditional Ukrainian brides to the more serious business woman. Their beauty also comes in many different forms and colors. Maybe you prefer the natural beauty of those in the countryside. Or maybe you prefer those from the big cities like Kyiv, dressed in the latest fashions.

Men Want Beautiful Women

If the truth be told, every man wants a beautiful woman. Even plain looking or ugly men would love to have a hot lady. They can’t help themselves. They simply go weak at the knees for beautiful ladies. They go to incredible lengths to make themselves attractive to beautiful women. This could be landing high-paying jobs, going to the gym, or buying the trendiest designer clothes. All because a sexy lady makes a man feel like he won the rollover jackpot in a lottery. Nothing makes him feel better than having a beauty on his arm. Someone who his friends are blown away by.

There has been a bit of a backlash to this. Women reportedly have become as shallow as men when it comes to physical beauty. Even feminism has taken this on board in their pursuit of “equality.” However, it’s a myth. Beautiful women have men in their hands like putty. In general, that is not true when it comes to handsome with women. Men rarely have that kind of sway over women. 

In fact, it has been proved scientifically. Many studies attest to the fact that men love sexy women more than women love sexy men. This is so true, especially where long-term relationships are concerned. Women are looking deeper than what is on the outside and for good reasons. 

Attracting Women: It’s A Complicated Picture

The things that attract a woman to a man are not straight forward. One thing is sure, women are not attracted to men just because they are handsome. Sure, women are drawn to good-looking guys, but only in the beginning. For long-term commitments, a woman is looking for so much more. Good looks alone are not enough.

There is some scientific evidence for this. A woman is driven, whether she knows it or not, by her maternal instincts. So many more qualities are needed for her to feel that she has made the right choice. She needs good qualities in a man that can be passed on to her children. Qualities such as intelligence, the ability to communicate well and a sense of humor. He also should not be a weakling. Otherwise, he will not be able to protect her or her children.

How To Increase Your Attractiveness to Women

There is one way you can improve your attractiveness to women — your sexual market value (SMV) — practically overnight. No gimmicks, and two simple tests will reveal the secret.

Let me introduce something that’s going to make it a whole lot simpler for you to find the woman of your dreams by telling you exactly where you stand and where to look. It is YourSMV, designed to help you effortlessly gauge your appeal to women. It is your guide to understanding how you’re seen through the eyes of women. YourSMV features four simple tests that will open your eyes to opportunities with beautiful women like you never imagined.

Test #1: Calculate How Western Women Rate You? Your Wake Up Call To Today’s Stark Reality!

The first step to unveiling the secret to finding “the one” is to find out your sexual market value with western women. This test will tell you where you stand with western women. You probably already have a good idea of where you stand given your seemingly hopeless search for love in today’s feminist driven, pick up dating culture. This essential calculation will give you the information you need to determine what level of Western Woman you can realistically date vs. marry. For most of us guys, that level is surprisingly low. See for yourself by clicking here. Western ladies, especially the most beautiful, are looking for men at the high end of the sexual market value (SMV) scale, driven predominantly by income, physical attractiveness and social status. That means, if you are not rich and ripped, you are simply discarded, without even being noticed. 

Even if you somehow manage to land a beautiful wife, she is likely to put career over family, and you’ll likely find yourself in a relationship all about her rather than about family and real connection. The ultimate risk is someday, after kids, she’ll monkey branch on you, divorcing you for a higher profile, higher SMV man

Test #2: Calculate How Slavic Women Rate you? Jumping Ponds for An Instant 2-3 Point Upgrade!

Your next step is to discover your sexual market value in the eyes of traditional, Eastern European Women. This will tell you where you stand with beautiful, family-oriented Slavic women. Go ahead, get ready to be shocked beyond belief – take the test right now by clicking here!

Was I right – are you in shock to discover that your SMV score jumped by 2 or 3 points? Now, the cat’s out of the bag – the secret is revealed! You see, with Slavic women you get an instant upgrade on your SMV score simply by the fact that Slavic women have a different value grading system. For you that means an instant boost to your attractiveness as a mate. Simply by focusing on a traditional, family-oriented Slavic ladies instead of a western woman, your sex appeal gets supercharged, and you are finally a wanted man by more women than you can possibly imagine.

For example, with Slavic ladies, your level of education and intelligence are important, thereby increasing your desirability, or SMV. Ukrainian women are highly educated and enjoy deep conversations with intelligent people. Also where you were born, and your occupation and work are important factors. Ukrainian women prefer men from the following countries in order; UK, Europe, then USA, and Canada above most others. Ukrainian women are attracted to reliable, confident, highly capable men so you will be a Slavic babe magnet if you are a man of your word and an excellent problem solver. 

Personality traits such as bravery, kindness, and generosity are also highly attractive to them. Also, every Slavic woman is a sucker for a sharp dressed man. Ukrainian women are hopeless romantics so a romantic man will sweep her off her feet with ease. Top this with a good sense of humor and your chances of sweeping her off her feet go through the roof.

If that wasn’t enough, a beautiful Slavic wife will treat you like a King. They see you as the head of the house and respect and follow your lead. Modern feminism is neither understood nor respected for these ladies! Rather, they pride themselves on embracing their feminine nature, being your carrying, supportive and loyal partner.

YourSMV has two other tests you will want to check out. One calculates your probability of marriage (POM) with a beautiful Slavic woman. What are your chances of actually putting a ring on the finger of a gorgeous, family-oriented Ukrainian lady, until death you shall part? This comprehensive calculator evaluates your potential for marrying such a lady, considering 59 little-know factors that are key to winning her as your wife.

YourSMV also has another test that calculates the maximum age gap you might pull off with a Slavic lady. The Age Gap Reality Check helps you understand the realistic age gap possibilities specifically for you to marry a Slavic lady. This will help you set realistic expectations, which is essential for your success. Please note, marriage (not merely dating) is the imperative point here as they can be drastically different.

So, now you know you can improve your sexual market value and your chances of marrying a gorgeous, family-oriented woman simply by fishing in new waters. Your SMV goes up by 2 or 3 just by dating traditional Slavic ladies instead of western women.

Using the Marriage Potential Meter, you can quantify your chances of marrying a beautiful Ukrainian woman. You know exactly where you stand.

After using the Age Gap Reality Check, you know exactly what age range you can realistically seek.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, let’s look at what women really value in men. 

The Traits That Women Are Attracted To

What women really value in men is to do with their personalities and characters. She wants a man who will treat her and other people well. It will also help if he is financially well off and manages them well. An assertive man who takes the lead is seen as strong in her eyes. He needs to be passionate about things he cares about, whether it’s a relationship, a job, or some other interest. Passionate men are seen as exciting and capable of achieving things. Men who lack passion are basically seen as boring.

A responsible man is seen as having the right stuff to take care of her and future children. This will make her have confidence in her man and the decisions that he makes. She also likes a sensitive guy who is able to empathize with her and understand, or at least sympathize with her. He should be a good listener. One who will listen to her opinions and understand her. Honesty is an attractive trait in a man. A woman does not like to be lied to or cheated on. 

A man should be a man and not a boy. She needs someone who is mature both emotionally and mentally. She doesn’t need or want to have to raise another “child” in the family.  A good sense of humor will also captivate her heart. She wants someone who can make her laugh. Someone who is not overly serious all the time. She will go weak at the knees for a romantic gentleman. Women love men who are romantic and chivalrous as that makes them feel special, like a princess.

Reasons Hot Women Want to Date Average-Looking Guys

This might come as breaking news to some men, but hot women would actually prefer to date average-looking guys as long as they are genuine and kind. [2] Here is the crux of the matter. Beautiful women prefer what a man is like inside as opposed to what he is like on the outside. It’s been scientifically proven over and over again in human mating studies. This takes on an added significance when talking about beautiful foreign women. They may actually feel intimidated by a hot guy and want to run away from them. Women want men who are protective, intelligent and good providers.

She Doesn’t Want a self-Obsessed Man

Good-looking guys usually know it. They tend to be arrogant and narcissistic. They are also likely to be players, which is a real turn off for a woman. If he happens to look like Mr. Universe, that is a turn off too. Women don’t like these unnatural physiques that are actually intimidating to them. Handsome men are self-obsessed with their bodies and looks. They are seen as selfish and oblivious to a woman’s needs.

Better conversations

Women feel that they can have better, deeper conversations with less attractive guys. Hot guys, on the other hand, may be too preoccupied eyeing up any attractive woman that passes by. He’s probably too obsessed with his appearance and himself to be able to hold a decent conversation with.

Romantic and Generous

Less attractive guys tend to be more generous in their gift giving and romantic trips. He will not forget to pamper his love on Valentine’s Day. This is because he really appreciates the fact that he is dating his “Miss World.” He will commit to the relationship more than a hot guy who can get any woman. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here.

He Appreciates Her More

She appreciates that he has less straying eyes than good-looking men. This is because he believes he’s got the best side of the deal (even if it’s actually mutually beneficial). He is not as likely to look at other women when he has a beauty by his side. She will love him for the attention that he focuses on her.

Being a Gentleman

Less attractive guys are probably more of a gentleman than some self-obsessed hot guy who can get any woman he wants (or so he thinks). This makes her not so special in his eyes because he can just go and get another one if he wants. Less-attractive guys appreciate what they have and will make lots of kind gestures to her, just to show they really care about her. 

Better personalities

Less attractive guys are also more likely to have better personalities and be more intelligent. This allows her to connect with him through deep conversations. He will constantly tell her how beautiful she is because he values her beauty. Hot guys are so used to hot women that they are not special to them.

She Feels More Secure

She feels more secure with a less handsome man. She will not need to fear that other women are going to take her man from her. Good-looking guys constantly have women flirting with them and that will make her feel insecure. She wants to feel secure and special. Having other women flirting with her guy will not make her feel like that.

How To Meet Hot Ukrainian Women

By now, you should feel more confident that hot women actually prefer less handsome men. She’s looking for more than good looks. So, you less attractive guys have a good chance to get a beauty as long as you have some of the endearing qualities mentioned above and are genuine. 

Men and women are not the same. Men and women place different values on physical attractiveness. Men prefer beautiful women, whereas women would rather have a decent guy, even if he is average looking. 

Beautiful Ukrainian ladies can be found on international dating websites. For your protection, only use a legitimate Ukraine dating site. There are lots of Ukrainian mail order brides waiting to take a romantic journey with you. Many of these stunning beauties actually prefer Western men to their own men for a variety of reasons. Western men are capable of giving them all the love they could possibly need. In return, you get a super-hot girl who will appreciate you.


[1] When It Comes To Men, Are Women Attracted To Average? (

[2] Unlock the Secrets of Ukraine Dating: Why You’re More Desirable Here! –

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