What’s The Difference Between Ukrainian Country Girls And Ukrainian City Girls?

All those beautiful Ukrainian women to choose from. Just how do you choose between these gorgeous ladies? Maybe considering the differences between country girls and city girls will help you decide. Read on to discover:

There’s no doubt about it, Ukraine has more of its fair share of beautiful women with typical Slavic features. No matter what your preference is, every man can find his favorite raven-haired, blonde, brunette or redhead. Are you curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Find out in minutes. Click here. This diversity comes from the different ethnicities [1] that make up the Ukrainian population. In fact, the feminine gender is genetically older than the masculine gender.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating Ukrainian Girls from the Country and City

If you’re considering dating local girls from villages or a young professional from Kyiv or other Ukrainian cities, here are some pros and cons to consider. 

Pros of dating a country girl


Dating a country girl can be the best decision you’ll ever make! Not only are they fiercely loyal and will have your back through thick and thin, but their down-to-earth attitude makes them easy to talk to. You simply won’t find this combination anywhere else.


Country girls have a reputation for being refreshingly honest and direct. It’s an admirable quality that never fails to make them stand out!

Beautiful natures

Country girls truly excel in fostering relationships. Their empathy, understanding and forgiving nature provides the perfect foundation for developing meaningful connections filled with love and positivity!


Country girls have a special kind of charm. Not only are they calm and composed, but the relaxed atmosphere that surrounds them can really add to an evening out with friends!


Country girls have that special something; creativity & spontaneity make them the perfect partners for adding some fun to your relationship!


Compared to city-dwellers, country girls tend to be more accepting and understanding in relationships – meaning no harsh judgments!

More economical

If you’re tight on cash, look to country girls – they may be the more economical option!


Village girls can offer a more relaxed atmosphere, so if you’re looking for an inspiring relationship without the pressures of career ambition then this could be your ideal match.

Cons of dating a country girl

Simple life

For country girls, the joys of life don’t necessarily mean catching a plane or hitting the hottest clubs. They find pleasure in simpler things. So, if you love clubbing and traveling, these girls are not for you.

Culturally underdeveloped

They are not as culturally developed as city girls. [2] Cities being the center for theaters, operas and museums offer more opportunities for cultural development.

Inexperienced daters

Country girls may lack the confidence of their big-city counterparts when it comes to matters of the heart. With fewer dating experiences, rural ladies might need a bit more encouragement and guidance from those around them – but with that support they can certainly find love!

In close proximity

Village life can make breakups a bit tricky. If things don’t go well, the ladies may stay close by – giving you an ever-present reminder of your relationship drama!

Pros of dating a city girl

There are two main types of city girls in Ukraine-Ms. Celebrity and Ms. Average. Read on to see the differences between these two kinds of women.

Ms. Celebrity

Ms. Celebrity is a busy, career minded woman. She is energetic and wants a man with money.

Ms. Average

Ms. Average, usually in her mid-thirties to forties, is experienced and mature.

She is happy with small things.

She will make a good friend, supporter and the perfect wife and mother. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here to find out.

Cons of dating city girls

Ms. Celebrity

She is very demanding and wants a man with lots of money so she can pamper herself.

It’s easy to fall victim to her as she is very attractive.

She only cares about herself.

She is a trophy wife-not real wife material.

Some similarities

Both of these types of local women also have some similarities. Both females have a love for fashion and a need for socializing. Country girls, even with their small budgets, still like to look their best. However, their style will not be as sophisticated as the Slavic women from the Ukrainian capital. Her clothes will reflect the latest unique Ukrainian designs or those of Western countries. 

Choosing Beautiful Ukrainian girls

It’s important to consider all factors when selecting a Ukrainian girlfriend. Do you want an easy-going and down-to-earth girl or one who is more refined? Are you looking for someone active in their social circles, or would they be better suited staying home with family? You need to decide which one is the right personality match for you. Age gaps are also another consideration. Would you like to know what a realistic age gap is for you? Click here.

Kind and easy going

If you’re searching for someone special who is genuinely kind and easy-going, consider dating a village girl! These ladies tend to be very welcoming in nature. They come from tight knit communities where everyone looks out for each other. Plus, their down-to-earth attitudes make it easy to get along with them on an emotional level. Not only will they understand your family dynamic better than most city girls would but also support whatever decisions you make regarding those relationships.

Sophisticated and cultured

If you’re looking for an educated, independent and ambitious partner then why not try dating young professionals? With their degrees, big city living experience and self-sufficiency they could be the perfect match!


A word of caution here. The above discussion about the differences between country and city girls comes from observed differences which could constitute stereotyping. Whilst stereotypes [3] are based on truth, people are individuals and not all women will match these descriptions. What counts is what kind of personality is best suited for you. 

So many different types of relationship partners to choose from. Do you prefer the charming rustic life with village girls or something more demanding yet fulfilling with an independent professional? The decision is ultimately yours – so pick wisely and choose your perfect match! [4]


[1] https://oakland.edu/oumagazine/news/biology/2021/ou-leads-study-of-ukrainian-genetic-diversity

[2] https://crgsoft.com/country-and-city-importance-differences-and-characteristics

[3] https://www.bartleby.com/essay/stereotypes-city-girl-vs-country-girl-FCAYR47CDDT

[4] Why are you really searching for an Eastern European (Slavic) woman? – UkraineDating.ca

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