Why Are There So Many Ukrainian Singles? 2023 Stats Shows Single Moms Are Way Up

We are seeing more single moms in 2021 choose to raise kids without tying the knot than ever before. Even since the 70s, marriage rates have gone down – why is that? According to relationship psychologist Dr Max Blumberg [1], modern life has made it so there’s little value in getting married anymore and it also has potential risks associated with it! However, is this the same story around the world? Has everyone given up on marriage? Just why do Western men seek brides from Eastern Europe? Read on to discover:

2021 marked a milestone. For the first time in history, babies born out of wedlock outnumbered those born to married couples in the UK. [1] This follows a long-term decline in marriage rates and an increase in cohabiting partners over recent decades. Looking at why this has happened, Dr Max Blumberg suggests that traditional marriage no longer provides what it used to…no matter if you’re expecting or not!

Marriage used to be a necessary step in order for people, especially women, to gain social mobility. However, it appears that being single is now more beneficial than tying the knot. You have more money and freedom when unmarried! Dr Blumberg of Hampshire explains how marriage no longer provides enough value for many individuals compared with remaining solo. This is particularly true for women who are increasingly choosing to live alone. [2] It looks like traditional weddings are on their way out as our society evolves once again!

Factors Affecting Declining Marriage Rates

Marriage no longer means what it used to. Gone are the days where women needed a husband for financial and social stability. Now, they can carve their own paths in life and enjoy career prospects as well along with motherhood – regardless of marital status. Although men’s roles have also shifted, we haven’t yet seen them become flexible on the same scale that women have!

People marry when they are happy

It’s no surprise that marriage rates are declining since so many of us today find it hard to maintain our mental health and happiness. Increased pressure from the workplace, social media platforms, and other aspects of life are limiting time for meaningful connections or self-care appointments. Striving for a better life can be simultaneously depleting joy out of everyday moments. Those with lower levels of contentment often don’t have enough bandwidth in their day-to-day lives to build lasting relationships which helps explain why we’re seeing fewer marriages overall.

Cohabiting has become acceptable

It seems like society is becoming more and more open to the idea of couples living together before marriage. While it might seem that this offers protection from a potential divorce, in reality cohabiting can come with just as many risks – if not greater ones! Maybe people are taking less flack for unmarried partnerships nowadays, or perhaps they’re drawn by its ease. Either way, it’s become increasingly popular over time.

High divorce rates are a bad advertisement

It’s no secret that divorce rates in the UK are high. But what might be less talked about is how this can shape our expectations of marriage. Expectations can dictate whether or not someone wants to give it a go – surveys show 42% of couples have split up! [1] What we take away from media portrayals has an impact on our decisions as individuals. If all you see when thinking ‘marriage’ are stories highlighting failed marriages, understandably your outlook won’t be overly optimistic.

Do women benefit from marriage?

Though the benefits of marriage to men are well-documented, the same cannot be said for women. According to research conducted by behavioral scientist Paul Dolan from London School of Economics in his 2020 book ‘Happy Ever After: A Radical New Approach To Living Well’, [3] single women have higher levels of happiness and longer life expectancy than married ones. It seems that traditional theories about marriage making us healthier and happier don’t tell the full story; especially if you’re a woman!

High costs of weddings

Wedding bells will cost you a pretty penny these days! Hitched National Wedding Survey [4] revealed that the average price for tying the knot in 2021 was an incredible £17,300 – almost doubling from the 2020s pre-pandemic figure of £9,100. With living costs soaring and Covid making them even higher, couples might feel they have to put their wedding dreams on hold until times are more manageable financially.

Marriage needs promoting

UK marriage rates are sadly lower than many other European countries. The Marriage Foundation believes that this is due to couples in lower socio-economic groups feeling pressured by financial penalties. However, we have seen progress with Hungary providing economic incentives encouraging more people to marry – leading to one of Europe’s highest marriage rates currently! Though it’s not easy for governments alone to push a culture where marrying is viewed as beneficial. If perceptions around commitment and stability aren’t being embraced then why would anyone feel compelled? Max Blumberg notes that even considering all these challenges, some may still find positive aspects about committing themselves through matrimony.

Women are prepared to be single moms

While not many women think they’d actually prefer it, single motherhood is becoming more accepted and attainable in today’s society. With the option of sperm donors or going solo when a partner isn’t present, some are opting to take on parenthood by themselves if that urge becomes too strong to ignore. And even if there was an unexpected pregnancy within a couple where one party didn’t want the baby; the other may still choose to be solely responsible for raising their child.

People don’t see the cost-benefit analysis of marriage to be in their favor

Marriage can be a big investment, and it’s not surprising that many people really weigh up the costs versus benefits before they take the plunge. When marriage means compromises on freedom and control over finances, some just don’t see enough of an emotional or financial return to make it worth their while – which is why so many are choosing to stay single these days!

No social stigma for children born out of marriage

It used to be that having a baby out of wedlock was seen as an embarrassment or cause for gossip in some circles. But times have changed! As the influence of religion has waned, so too has social stigma around non-traditional parenting – with more and more babies born outside marriage each year according to census data.

Blurred gender lines

Today, younger generations have become more open and accepting of different sexual orientations. More people identify as gay, lesbian or pansexual while gender fluidity is becoming increasingly common. That said, if someone wishes to date outside their traditional gender boundaries then marriage may not always be a feasible choice. this is especially true given the church’s opposition surrounding same-sex relationships.

Fewer married role models

Many of us no longer have the luxury of having married role models to learn from. So many children today grow up without seeing their parents in a committed, long-term relationship. Unfortunately, this mindset is perpetuated even by our media which doesn’t focus on positive marriage stories anymore. We live in an era focused on celebrating singlehood. Even the media fails to recognize that getting hitched can be just as fulfilling!

Sexual liberation

With the recent advances in technology and birth control, sexual liberation has become a reality for many. It’s incredible to think that women now have full autonomy over their bodies as well as freedom to explore relationships without feeling obligated by any institution – like marriage! With all these new opportunities abound, it should come as no surprise that we are seeing more online dating sites popping up than ever before.

A Good Marriage Is Good for Your Health

Despite all the factors discussed above, a good marriage has plenty of benefits. Marriage isn’t just an emotional comfort, it’s actually a physical one too! A healthy marriage goes more than skin deep. Studies show that couples in good marriages tend to experience improved cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure; they even have thinner heart walls. On the flip side, marital stress doubles your risk of developing diabetes or other conditions – so making sure you’re with someone who positively adds to your life has real physiological benefits. [5]

Mutual support

Supporting each other by providing mental security can also reduce overall stress hormones for both women and men. This improves immunity as well as reducing the chances of dying from certain diseases like cancer or heart disease! With all these positives added together, having a good relationship brings much needed longevity with less depression and anxiety on top. [5]

Stable relationships are good for children

Children thrive in a stable environment, and research proves that the most solid foundation for them is two married parents. Cohabiting couples tend to separate much more often than ones who are wed – almost four times as likely! This can put kids at risk of educational delinquency or bad behavior when there’s instability around them. [6] So, it seems like marriage really does make all the difference for children!

Why Are a Record Number of Foreign Men Going to Eastern Europe to Find a Traditional Wife?

A GOOD marriage has a lot of physical and mental health benefits for both men and women as shown above. So, whilst there is a downward trend in marriage rates around the world, there are still plenty of people who still believe in marriage. Take the growing phenomenon of Western men seeking Eastern European brides. But why are they doing this?

Why do Western men seek wives from Slavic countries?

Gender roles have become quite complex in the West. American men are raised with what some may call ‘old-fashioned chivalry’, yet this attitude doesn’t seem to work for them when it comes to dealing with women from their home country. However, those same courtesies and values that don’t go down well at home do tend to get a positive response when directed overseas. This is particularly true in Eastern Europe where it seems “men still being men” is more accepted by society…and female counterparts!

A confusing situation for American men

American men can feel confused as one day they could be seen as an equal partner, while on another he is expected to rescue the “damsel in distress.” It’s a mixed picture but being the “damsel in distress” is something too many modern US females no longer require or want. It feels like feminism has taken away traditional relationships between men and women, leaving lots of guys feeling unsure about how they should act around potential partners.

Why Eastern European women in particular?

Eastern European women are feminine with strong values. They are brought up to be devoted wives and mothers, placing a great emphasis on relationships. In stark contrast with the ‘hook-up’ culture of many Western countries, Eastern Europeans take commitment very seriously. It’s no surprise that family always comes first! Are you curious what your chances of success with a Ukrainian woman will be? Find out in minutes. Click here.

Ukrainian women have traditional values

In the West, a lot of women are independent and assertive individuals competing against their male counterparts. However, Ukrainian ladies stand out from this trend. These dazzlingly beautiful creatures embrace traditional values of respect for men and wish to stay true to being a lady in every sense of the word! These graceful beings not only radiate kindness with good etiquette but also possess intelligence that admires rather than rivals men.

Ukrainian women make great wives and mothers

Ukrainian women are from a very different culture to that found in the West. For them, marriage and the family are the cornerstones of society. In fact, marriage and the family are seen as sacred. Whilst Western women are increasingly having children outside of marriage, this is not the case in Eastern Europe. Ukrainian women have a deep need to get married so they can have a socially accepted institution in which to raise their children. Would you like to know your real chances of marrying a Ukrainian woman? Click here.

After finding her man, she will make taking care of her husband, children and home her top priority. She makes a loving wife and protective mother. She will be supportive of her husband, helping him in any way that she can. A patient and understanding woman, she is not a pushover. Ukrainian women are strong-willed and know their own mind.

How do Ukrainian women shape up with women from other countries?

The average rate for children born out of wedlock in Europe is around thirty percent. For the first time in the UK in 2021 more children (over 50%) were born out of marriage than within it. [1] The figure is even higher in France with sixty percent. The USA has a figure around 40%. [7] Ukrainian women have the lowest rate of children born out of wedlock (at 20%) [8] compared to the rest of Europe and the US. However, this is not a “voluntary” figure. This is because Ukrainian men don’t like to live up to their responsibilities, and therefore, leave women to bring children up by themselves.

Why Ukrainian Women Want Western Men

Not only do Western men want Ukrainian women for marriage, but Ukrainian women also want Western men for marriage. [9] There must be some seriously adverse conditions in Ukraine for women to be prepared to uproot themselves from their homes, families and country for a new life abroad. Read on to discover some of them.

Ukrainian men

Women outnumber men in Ukraine, making it difficult to find a good partner. Ukrainian men also have some serious shortcomings that are a turnoff to Ukrainian women. They drink, smoke and cheat too much and don’t give their women enough respect. Lots of Ukrainian men treat Ukrainian women like domestic servants. Ukrainian men also have a lack of drive when it comes to bettering their circumstances through further education or higher paying jobs. Worst of all, they don’t want the responsibility of raising children, even if they are their own.

Western men

Western men are the opposite to Ukrainian men in the eyes of Ukrainian women. Ukrainian women see Western men as romantic and respecting women. Ukrainian women want nothing more than a decent, hard-working guy who will love and respect her. This will give her the foundation on which to build a successful marriage and family. She believes Western men can provide what she needs. She is also open to an age gap relationship. Would you like to know what a realistic age gap is for you? Click here to find out.

Final Thoughts

Marriage has been declining in most parts of the world, but it is still a cornerstone of society in Eastern Europe. Both Western men and Ukrainian women seek each other because it is difficult for their needs for marriage to be met in their home countries. They are attracted to each other because the other has what they need. Western men find a traditional wife, and Ukrainian women find a husband who values and takes care of her. With all this happening, it’s no surprise that these times have been dubbed “The Golden Age of Ukrainian Dating.”


[1] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11657347/Femail-asks-expert-marriage-decline.html

[2] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/living-single/201908/around-the-world-marriage-is-declining-singles-are-rising

[3] https://www.amazon.co.uk/Happy-Ever-After-Radical-Approach/dp/014198449X

[4] https://www.hitched.co.uk/wedding-planning/organising-and-planning/average-uk-wedding/

[5] https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/features/importance-of-marriage

[6] https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2021/12/8/22821261/weve-sold-young-people-an-uninspired-version-of-marriage-that-has-to-change

[7] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/unmarried-childbearing.html

[8] https://tsn.ua/exclusive/kozhna-tretya-ditina-v-yevropi-narodzhuyetsya-poza-shlyubom-yaki-prava-ye-v-kozhnoyi-storoni-1770295.html

[9] Why Old – Fat – Bald – Unattractive Men Are MORE Desirable to Beautiful Ukrainian Women – UkraineDating.ca

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